
Nr.TipCotaAutor TitluDisponibil
2571CarteKIR1.1Kirk, G.S.; Raven, J.E.The Presocratic Philosophersda
2572Articolx-kir2.1Kirwan, Christopher Aristotle and the So-called Fallacy of Equivocationda
2573CarteKIS1.1Kisseleva, Ludmila; Stirnemann, Patricia (eds.)Catalogue des manuscrits medievaux en ecriture latine de la Bibliotheque de l'Academie des Sciences de Russie de Saint-Petersbourgda
2574CarteKIT1.1#1Kitanov, Severin ValentinovBeatific Enjoyment in Medieval Scholastic Debates. The Complex Legacy of Saint Augustine and Peter Lombardda
2575CarteKIT1.1#2Kitanov, Severin ValentinovBeatific Enjoyment in Medieval Scholastic Debates. The Complex Legacy of Saint Augustine and Peter Lombardda
2576CarteTWNT1Kittel, GerhardThelogisches Worterbuch zum Neuen Testament 1da
2577CarteTWNT2Kittel, GerhardThelogisches Worterbuch zum Neuen Testament 2da
2578CarteTWNT3Kittel, GerhardThelogisches Worterbuch zum Neuen Testament 3da
2579CarteTWNT4Kittel, GerhardThelogisches Worterbuch zum Neuen Testament 4da
2580CarteKLE1Klein, JacobA Commentary on Plato's Menonu
2581CarteKLI1.1Klibansky, RaymondThe continuity of the Platonic Tradition during the Middle Agesda
2582ArticolX-kli1.1Klibansky, RaymondThe Platonic traditionda
2583ArticolX-kli1.2Klibansky, RaymondPlato's Parmenides in the Middle Ages and the Renaissanceda
2584ArticolX-kli2.1Klima, GyulaAncilla theologiae vs. domina philosophorum. Thomas Aquinas, Latin Averroism and the Autonomy of Philosophyda
2585CarteKLI2.1Klingner, F.Boethii De consolatione Philosophiaeda
2586Articolx-klo1.4Klosko, G.Criteria of Fallacy and Sophistry for Use in the Analysis of Platonic Dialoguesda
2587CarteKNO1.1Knoll, Paul W."A pearl of powerful learning": the university of Cracow in the fifteenth centurynu
2588ArticolX-koc1.1Kochin, MichaelWeeds: Cultivating the imagination in Medieval Arabic political philosophyda
2589CarteKOG1.1Kogel, JuliusPetrus Lombardus in seiner Stellung zur Philosophie des Mittelaltersda
2590CarteKOL1.1Koller, Alexander (herausg.)Kurie und Politik. Stand und Perspektiven der Nuntiaturberichtsforschungda
2591CarteKON1.3König-Pralong, CatherineEtre, Essence & Contingence. Henri de Gand, Gilles de Rome, Godefroid de Fontainesda
2592CarteKON1.1König-Pralong, CatherineLe bon usage des savoirsda
2593CarteKON1.4König-Pralong, CatherineMédiévisme philosophique et raison moderne. De Pierre Bayle à Ernest Renanda
2594CarteKON1.2Konig-Pralong, KatherineAvenement de l'aristotelisme en terre chretienneda
2595CarteKOO1.1Kooper, Erik; Levelt, SjoerdThe Medieval Chronicle IXda