
Nr.TipCotaAutor TitluDisponibil
2281ArticolX-hil2.1Hillgarth, J.N.Ramon Lull and lullism in fourteenth-century france : Epilogue (chap. VII)da
2282CarteHIM1.1HimeriusDeclamationes et Orationes cum deperditarum fragmentisda
2283CarteHIP1.1Hippolytus von RomWiderlegung aller haresienda
2284CarteHIR1.1Hirsch, WalterPlatons Weg Zum Mythosda
2285ArticolX-his1.1Hisette, Roland Recherches de théologie ancienne et médiévaleda
2286CarteHIS2.1Hisette, RolandEnquête sur les 219 articles condamnés à Paris le 7 mars 1277da
2287ArticolX-hit1.1Hitchcock, David Fallacies and formal logic in Aristotleda
2288ArticolX-hoe1.2Hoenen, M. Academics and intellectual life in the Low Countries. The university career of Heymericus de Campo († 1460) da
2289ArticolX-hoe1.1Hoenen, M. J. F. MThe literary reception of Thomas Aquinas' view on the provability of the Eternity of the world in de la mares correctorium (1278 9) and the correctoria corruptorii (1279 ca 1286)da
2290CarteHOE1.2Hoenen, M. J. F. M.; de Libera, AlainAlbertus Magnus Und Der Albertismusnu
2291CarteHOE1.1Hoenen, M. J. F. M.; Nauta, LodiBoethius in the Middle Ages. Latin & Vernacular Traditions of the Consolatio philosophiaeda
2292CarteHOE1.3Hoenen, M. J. F. M.; Schneider, J. H. Josef; Wieland, GeorgPhilosophy and Learning. Universities in the Middle Agesda
2293CarteHOE1.4Hoenen, M. J. F. M; Engel, Karsten (eds.)Past and future. Medieval studies todayda
2294CarteHOF5.1Hoffe, Otfried, Imbach, RuediParadigmes de theologie philosophiqueda
2295CarteHOF2.1Hoffe, OttfriedAristotelesda
2296CarteHOF4.1Hoffmann, Philippe; Timotin, Andrei (eds.)Théories et pratiques de la prière à la fin de l'antiquitéda
2297CarteHOF3.1Hoffmann, Tobias; Muller, Jorn; Perkams, Matthias (ed.)Das problem der Willensshwache in der mittelalterlichen Philosophie/ The problem of Weekness of Will in Medieval Philosophyda
2298CarteHOF1.1Hofmeister Pich, Roberto (ed.)Ideas sin fronteras en los limites de las ideasda
2299CarteHOF1.2Hofmeister-Pich, R., Culleton, A. S. (eds.) Scolastica colonialis, Reception and Development of Baroque Scholasticism in Latin America, 16/18 Centuriesda
2300CarteHOL1.1Holmes, LeslieCorruption. A Very Short Introductionda
2301CarteHOM1.4.1HomerOdyssey, 1-12da
2302CarteHOM1.4.2HomerOdyssey, 13-14da
2303CarteHOM1.3HomerCarmina et Cycli Epici Reliquiaeda
2304CarteHOM1.5HomerThree Homeric Hymns (To Apollo, Hermes and Aphrodite)da
2305CarteHOM1.7.22HomerIliad (book XXII)da
2306CarteHOM1.7.6HomerIliad (book VI)nu
2307CarteHOM1.7.24HomerIliad (book XXIV)da
2308CarteHOM1.6.6HomerOdyssey (Books 6-8)da
2309CarteHOM1.6.13HomerOdyssey (books 13-14)da
2310CarteHOM1.6.17HomerOdyssey (books 17-18)da
2311CarteHOM1.1HomerIlias, ed. G. Dindorfda
2312CarteHOM1.2HomerCarmina Et Cycli Epici Reliquiaeda
2313CarteHON1.1Honorius AugustodunensisClavis Physicaeda
2314CarteHOO1.1Hood, Pamela MAristotle on the category of relationda
2315CarteHOR1.3HoraceOeuvres d'Horaceda
2316CarteHOS1.1Hose, Martin; Schenker, David (eds.)A companion to Greek literatureda
2317CarteGET1.1Hosidivs GetaMedea. Cento vergilianvsda
2318CarteHOL2.1Hölscher, LudgerThe reality of the mind : Augustine's philosophical arguments for the human soul as a spiritual substanceda
2319CarteHOL2.1#2Hölscher, LudgerThe reality of the mind : Augustine's philosophical arguments for the human soul as a spiritual substanceda
2320CarteGAN1.2Hrotsvita din GandersheimTeatruda
2321CarteHUB1.1Hubert, BernardJacques Maritain en Europeda
2322CarteHUG1.8Hugh of Saint VictorOn the sacraments of the christian faith (De Sacramentis)da
2323CarteHUG1.3Hugo de Saint-VictorL'art de lire. Didascaliconda
2324CarteHUG1.1Hugo de Saint-VictorDidascaliconda
2325CarteHUG1.6.3Hugo de Saint-Victor Super Ierarchiam Dionisii (Opera omnia tomus III)da
2326CarteHUG1.2Hugo de Saint-Victor (Hugonis de Sancto Victore)Didascaliconda
2327CarteHUG1.7Hugo de Saint-Victor ; Berndt, Rainer (ed.)De sacramentis Christianae fideida
2328CarteHUG1.4Hugo de Saint-Victor; Taylor, Jerome (transl.)The Didascalicon of Hugh of St. Victorda
2329CarteHUG1.5Hugo din Saint-VictorMeditatii spiritualeda
2330CarteHUG1.6.2Hugo din Saint-Victor (Hugo de Saint Victor)De tribus diebus (Opera, Tomus II)da