1946 | Carte | LUL1.4 | Raimundus Lullus | Cartea minunilor | da |
1947 | Carte | LUL1.5 | Raimundus Lullus | Arbre de science | da |
1948 | Carte | LUN1.1 | Lung, Ecaterina; Bourdon, Etienne ; Heath, Christopher; Shee, Laurence; Vallee, Cecile | Time and space/Temps et culture | da |
1949 | Carte | LUS1.1 | Lusignan, Serge; Paulmier-Foucart, Monique (eds.) | Lector et compilator, Vincent de Beauvais, frère prêcheur | da |
1950 | Carte | LUT1.1 | Lüthy, Christoph; Nicoli, Elena (eds.) | Atoms, corpuscles and minima in the Renaissance | da |
1951 | Carte | LYC1.1 | Lycophronus | Alexandra (ed. Mascialino) | da |
1952 | Carte | LYC1.2 | Lycophronus | Alexandra | da |
1953 | Carte | LYD1.1 | Ioannes Lydus | De magistribus populi romani (ed. Wvemsch) | da |
1954 | Carte | LYD1.2 | Ioannes Lydus | De magistratibus populi romani | da |
1955 | Carte | MAC1.1.1 | Macken, Raymond, Dr. Phil | Essays on Henry of Ghent I | da |
1956 | Carte | MAC1.1.2 | Macken, Raymond, Dr. Phil | Essays on Henry of Ghent II | da |
1957 | Carte | MAC1.1.3 | Macken, Raymond, Dr. Phil | Essays on Henry of Ghent III | da |
1958 | Carte | MAC1.1.4 | Macken, Raymond, Dr. Phil | Essays on Henry of Ghent IV | da |
1959 | Carte | MAC2.1 | Maci, Daniela (coord.) | Receptari ale filosofiei lui Platon si Aristotel in spatiul cultural romanesc | da |
1960 | Carte | MAC3.1 | Costa Macedo, J. M. | Anselmo e a astucia de razao | da |
1961 | Carte | MAC4.1 | Macrobius | Commento al Sogno di Scipione | da |
1962 | Carte | MAC4.2.1 | Macrobe (Macrobius) | Commentaire au songe de Scipion. Livre I | da |
1963 | Carte | MAC4.3 | Macrobe, Varron, Pomponius Mela | OEUVRES COMPLETES | da |
1964 | Carte | MAC4.4.1 | Macrobius | Les Saturnales, vol.1 | da |
1965 | Carte | MAC4.4.2 | Macrobius | Les Saturnales vol.2 | da |
1966 | Carte | MAC5.1 | MacCoinnich, Aonghas | Plantation and civility in the North Atlantic world: the case of the northern Hebrides, 1570 - 1639 | da |
1967 | Carte | MAC6.1 | Macdonell, Arthur Aanthony | A VEDIC READER FOR STUDENTS | da |
1968 | Carte | MAC7.1 | Makarius des Aegypters | Funfzig Geistliche Homilien | da |
1969 | Carte | MAC8.1 | MacDonald, Iain | Clerics and Clansmen. The Diocese of Argyll Between the Twelfth and Sixteenth Centuries | da |
1970 | Carte | MAG1.1 | Maga, Mihai | Filosofia politica a lui Marsilio din Padova | da |