
Nr.TipCota AutorTitluDisponibil
1946CarteLUL1.4Raimundus LullusCartea minunilorda
1947CarteLUL1.5Raimundus LullusArbre de scienceda
1948CarteLUN1.1Lung, Ecaterina; Bourdon, Etienne ; Heath, Christopher; Shee, Laurence; Vallee, CecileTime and space/Temps et cultureda
1949CarteLUS1.1Lusignan, Serge; Paulmier-Foucart, Monique (eds.)Lector et compilator, Vincent de Beauvais, frère prêcheurda
1950CarteLUT1.1Lüthy, Christoph; Nicoli, Elena (eds.)Atoms, corpuscles and minima in the Renaissanceda
1951CarteLYC1.1LycophronusAlexandra (ed. Mascialino)da
1953CarteLYD1.1Ioannes LydusDe magistribus populi romani (ed. Wvemsch)da
1954CarteLYD1.2Ioannes LydusDe magistratibus populi romanida
1955CarteMAC1.1.1Macken, Raymond, Dr. PhilEssays on Henry of Ghent Ida
1956CarteMAC1.1.2Macken, Raymond, Dr. PhilEssays on Henry of Ghent IIda
1957CarteMAC1.1.3Macken, Raymond, Dr. PhilEssays on Henry of Ghent IIIda
1958CarteMAC1.1.4Macken, Raymond, Dr. PhilEssays on Henry of Ghent IVda
1959CarteMAC2.1Maci, Daniela (coord.)Receptari ale filosofiei lui Platon si Aristotel in spatiul cultural romanescda
1960CarteMAC3.1Costa Macedo, J. M.Anselmo e a astucia de razaoda
1961CarteMAC4.1MacrobiusCommento al Sogno di Scipioneda
1962CarteMAC4.2.1Macrobe (Macrobius)Commentaire au songe de Scipion. Livre Ida
1963CarteMAC4.3Macrobe, Varron, Pomponius MelaOEUVRES COMPLETESda
1964CarteMAC4.4.1MacrobiusLes Saturnales, vol.1da
1965CarteMAC4.4.2MacrobiusLes Saturnales vol.2da
1966CarteMAC5.1MacCoinnich, Aonghas Plantation and civility in the North Atlantic world: the case of the northern Hebrides, 1570 - 1639da
1967CarteMAC6.1Macdonell, Arthur AanthonyA VEDIC READER FOR STUDENTSda
1968CarteMAC7.1Makarius des AegyptersFunfzig Geistliche Homilienda
1969CarteMAC8.1MacDonald, IainClerics and Clansmen. The Diocese of Argyll Between the Twelfth and Sixteenth Centuriesda
1970CarteMAG1.1Maga, MihaiFilosofia politica a lui Marsilio din Padovada