1811 | Carte | DIO5.1 | Dionysius Periegetes | Ixenticon seu de Aucupio Libri Tres | da |
1812 | Carte | DIX1.2 | Dixsaut, Monique | Le naturel philosophe. Essai sur le Dialogues de Platon | da |
1813 | Articol | x-dob1.1 | Dobbs, Darrel | Choosing Justice: Socratese' Model City and the Practice of Dialectic | da |
1814 | Carte | DOD1.2 | Dodds, E. R. | Les Grecs et l'irrationnel | da |
1815 | Carte | DOD1.1 | Dodds, E. R. et alii | Les sources de Plotin | da |
1816 | Articol | X-dod1.1 | Dodds, E.R. | The Parmenides of Plato and the origin of the neoplatonic" One" | da |
1817 | Carte | DOG1.1 | Doganis, Carine | Aux origines de la corruption. Democratie et delation en Grece ancienne | nu |
1818 | Carte | DOL1.1 | Dolezalova, L; Kiss, F. G.; Wojcik, R. | The Art of Memory in Late Medieval Central Europe (Czech lands, Hungary, Poland) | nu |
1819 | Carte | DOM1.1 | Domanski, Juliusz | La philosophie, theorie ou maniere de vivre? | da |
1820 | Articol | X-don2.1 | Donati, Silvia | A new witness to the radical aristotelianism condemned by Etienne Tempier in 1277 | da |
1821 | Carte | DON2.1.3.1 | Donatus | Commenti Terenti, vol. III/1 | da |
1822 | Carte | DON2.1.1 | Donatus | Commentum Terenti | da |
1823 | Carte | DON1.2 | Dondaine, A; Shooner, H. V. (eds.) | Codices Manuscripti Operum Thomae de Aquino | da |
1824 | Carte | DON1.1 | Dondaine, Antoine | Secretaires de Saint Thomas | da |
1825 | Carte | DON1.3 | Dondaine, Antoine | Secrétaires de saint Thomas (planches) | da |
1826 | Articol | X-don1.1 | Dondaine, H.F. | Le corpus dionysien de l'universite de Paris au XIIIe siecle | da |
1827 | Carte | DOR1.1 | Doring, Klaus; Kullmann, Wolfgang (eds.) | Studia Platonica | da |
1828 | Carte | DRA1.1 | Draelants, I.; Balouzat-Loubet, C. (eds.) | La formule au Moyen Age, II, (Formulas in Medieval Culture, II) | da |
1829 | Carte | DRO1.2 | Dronke, Peter | Sacred and Profane Thought in the Early Middle Ages | da |
1830 | Carte | DRO1.1 | Dronke, Peter | Nine medieval Latin plays | da |
1831 | Articol | X-dro1.1 | Dronke, Peter | The Return of Eurydice | da |
1832 | Carte | COU5.3 | Duba, W. O.; Friedman, R. L.; Schabel, C. (eds.) | Studies in Later Medieval Intellectual History in Honor of William J. Courtenay | da |
1833 | Carte | DUB2.3 | Duba, William ; Schabel, Christopher David (eds.) | Gerald Odonis, Doctor Moralis and Franciscan Minister General. Studies in Honour of L. M. de Rijk | da |
1834 | Carte | DUB2.1 | Duba, William O. | The Forge of Doctrine. The Academic Year 1330-31 and the Rise of Scotism at the University of Paris | da |
1835 | Carte | DUB2.2 | Duba, William O. ; Friedman, Russell L. ; Schabel, Chris (eds.) | Studies in Later Medieval Intellectual History in Honor of William J. Courtenay | da |