1666 | Carte | REE2.3 | Reeves, Marjorie | Joachim of Fiore and the prophetic future | da |
1667 | Carte | PHI1.9 | Iohannes Philoponus | Joannis Philoponi De opificio mundi libri VII | da |
1668 | Carte | DEB1.2 | De Boni, Luis A. (org.) | Joao Duns Scotus. Homenagem de scotistas lusofonos | da |
1669 | Articol | X-der2.2 | De Rijk, Lambert Marie | John Buridan on Universals | da |
1670 | Carte | BUR4.4 | John Buridan | John Buridan: Sophisms on meaning and truth | da |
1671 | Carte | BAL1.1 | Balic, Charles | John Duns Scotus. Some reflections on the occasion of the seventh centenary of his birth | da |
1672 | Carte | LOC1.1 | Locke, John | John Locke: literary and historical writings | nu |
1673 | Articol | X-cou4.1 | Courtenay, William J. | John of Mirecourt and Gregory of Rimini on whether God can undo the past | da |
1674 | Carte | BLO3.1 | David Bloch | John of Salisbury on Aristotelian Science | da |
1675 | Carte | FIL2.1 | Filip, Oana - Corina | John of Salisbury’s Politics of Reason | da |
1676 | Carte | WIL3.1 | Wildberg, Christian | John Philoponus' Criticism Of Aristotles's Theory of Aether | da |
1677 | Carte | FUM1.2 | Fumagalli Beonio Brocchieri, Mariateresa; Simonetta, Stefano (eds.) | John Wyclif: logica, politica, teologia | da |
1678 | Carte | WEB2.1 | Weber, Wilhelm | Josephus und Vespasian. Untersuchungen zu dem Judischen Krieg des Flavius Josephus | da |
1679 | Carte | MAR17.2 | Maritain, Raissa | Journal de Raissa | da |
1680 | Carte | BOU8.1 | Actes publies sous la direction de J.-P. Boucher | Journees d'Etudes sur les Aqueducs Romains | da |
1681 | Carte | PRI2.1 | Prigent, Pierre | Justin et L'Ancien Testament | da |
1682 | Carte | MOU1.3 | Moutsopoulos, Evanghelos A.; Athanasiadis, Tasos; Dănişor, Diana Domnica ; Lazăr, Elena (filolog) | Kairos. Miza si pariul | da |
1683 | Carte | CYR1.1 | Cyrillus episcop de Ierusalim | Katechesen | da |
1684 | Articol | x-fla1.1#1 | Flasch, Kurt | Kennt die mittelalterliche Philosophie die konstitutive Funktion des menschlichen Denkens? Eine Untersuchung zu Dietrich von Freiberg | da |
1685 | Articol | X-fla1.1#2 | Flasch, Kurt | Kennt die mittelalterliche Philosophie die konstitutive Funktion des menschlichen Denkens? Eine Untersuchung zu Dietrich von Freiberg | da |
1686 | Carte | TEO2.1.2 | Theodoret von Cyrus | Kichengeschichte | da |
1687 | Carte | KIR2.1.3 | Gert Haendler | Kirchengeschichte in Einzeldarstellungen, Band I/03 | da |
1688 | Carte | KIR2.1.5 | Gert Haendler | Kirchengeschichte in Einzeldarstellungen, Band I/05 | da |
1689 | Carte | KIR2.1.6 | Friedhelm Winkelmann | Kirchengeschichte in Einzeldarstellungen, Band I/06 | da |
1690 | Carte | LTHK6 | Buchberger, Michael | Kirejewski bis Maura | da |