1561 | Carte | CES1.1 | Cesalli L., Germann N., Hoenen M.J.F.M. | University, Council, City. Intellectual Culture on the Rhine (1300-1550) | da |
1562 | Carte | CES1.2 | Cesalli, L., Goubier, F., Libera, A. de | Formal Approaches and Natural Language in Medieval Logic | da |
1563 | Carte | CEV1.1 | Cevins, Marie-Madeleine de | Confraternity, mendicant orders, and salvation in the Middle Ages. The contribution of the Hungarian sources (c.1270-c.1530) | da |
1564 | Carte | CEV2.1 | Cevolini, Alberto | De arte excerpendi : imparare a dimenticare nella modernità | nu |
1565 | Carte | CHA1.1 | Chappell, Timothy | Reading Plato's Theaetetus | da |
1566 | Carte | CHA2.1 | Chappuis, Margueritte | Le traité de Pierre d'Ailly sur la Consolation de Boèce, Qu. 1 | da |
1567 | Carte | AMM2.1 | Charbel El Amm | Le neant et Dieu | da |
1568 | Carte | BOV2.1 | Charles de Bovelles | Le livre du sage | da |
1569 | Carte | CHE3.1.4 | Chevalier, Jacques | Histoire de la pensée: De Duns Scot a Suarez (vol. IV) | da |
1570 | Carte | CHE3.1.3 | Chevalier, Jacques | Histoire de la pensée: De Saint'Augustin a Saint Thomas d'Aquin (Vol. 3) | da |
1571 | Carte | CHI1.1 | Chiaradonna, Riccardo | Sostanza, movimento, analogia. Plotino critico di Aristotele | da |
1572 | Articol | x-chi1.1 | Chihara, Charles S. | On the Possibility of Completing an Infinite Process | da |
1573 | Carte | CHI2.1 | Chindea, Gabriel | Paradoxul transcendenței la Aristotel și Plotin | da |
1574 | Carte | CHI3.1 | Chiron, Pierre; Sans, Benoît (eds.) | Les "Progymnasmata" en pratique, de l'Antiquité à nos jours | da |
1575 | Articol | X-cho1.1 | Chollet, A. | Averroisme | da |
1576 | Articol | x-sch5.21 | Chris Schabel | The Quaestiones Libri Physicorum by Franciscus Marbres (alias Johannes Canonicus). Part I: Author, Text and Reception | da |
1577 | Articol | X-tro1.4 | Christian Trottman | Pour une auto-critique medievale de la raison la plus pure en son usage partique | da |
1578 | Carte | CHR4.1 | Christianson, Gerald; Izbicki, Thomas M (eds.) | On Christ and the Church. Essays in memory of Chandler McCuskey Brooks for the American Cusanus Society | da |
1579 | Carte | CHR4.2 | Christianson, Gerald; Izbicki, Thomas M (eds.) | Nicholas of Cusa in search of God and wisdom. Essays in honor of Morimichi Watanabe by the American Cusanus Society | da |
1580 | Carte | ANC1.3 | Christina d'Ancona Costa e Giuseppe Serra (eds.) | Aristotele e Alessandro di Afrodisia nella tradizione araba | da |
1581 | Carte | CHR2.2 | Christine de Pizan | The book of the city ladies | da |
1582 | Carte | CHR2.3 | Christine de Pizan | Cartea Cetăţii Doamnelor | da |
1583 | Carte | CHR1.1 | Chrysippe | Oeuvre philosophique (I) | da |
1584 | Carte | CHR1.2 | Chrysippe | Oeuvre philosophique (II) | da |
1585 | Articol | X-chu1.1 | Chuvin, Pierre ; Fayant, Marie-Christine (trad.) | Paul le Silentaire. Description de Sainte Sophie Constantinople | da |
1586 | Carte | CIC1.3 | Cicero | Laelius sive De amicitia | da |
1587 | Carte | CIC1.26 | Cicero | Cele patru cuvântări împotriva lui L. Catilina | nu |
1588 | Carte | CIC1.27 | Cicero | On Life and Death (trad. J. Davie) | nu |
1589 | Carte | CIC1.2 | Cicero | Laelius sive De amicitia | da |
1590 | Carte | CIC1.1 | Cicero | Somnium Scipionis | da |
1591 | Carte | CIC1.29 | Cicero, Marcus Tullius | Rhetorica ad Herennium | da |
1592 | Carte | CIC1.23 | CICERON | LETTRES FAMILLIERES III. Livres XII-XVI | da |
1594 | Carte | CIC1.25 | Ciceron | De L`Orateur XII | da |
1595 | Carte | CIN1.1 | Cinato, Franck (ed.) | Priscien glose. L'Ars Grammatica de Priscien vue a travers les glosses carolingiennes | da |
1596 | Carte | CIO1.1 | Cioba, Mianda | Introduccion a la Edicion critica del Manuscrito castellano medieval | da |
1597 | Carte | CIO2.1 | Cioca, Luciana | The History of Vesperial Disputations in the 13th and 14th Centuries | da |
1598 | Carte | CLA2.1 | Claire D'Assise | Ecrits | da |
1599 | Carte | CLA6.1 | Clanchy, Michael | Looking back from the invention of printing : mothers and the teaching of reading in the Middle Ages | da |
1600 | Carte | CLA7.1 | Clark, Gillian; Rajak, Tessa (eds.) | Philosophy and power in the Graeco-Roman world : essays in honour of Miriam Griffin | da |
1601 | Carte | CLA5.2 | Classen, Albrecht | The power of a woman's voice in medieval and early modern literatures | da |
1602 | Carte | CLA5.1 | Classen, Albrecht (ed.) | Meeting the Foreign in the Middle Ages | da |
1603 | Carte | VIS1.1 | Claude VIshnu Spaak et Ovidiu Stanciu (dir.) | Patocka, Lecteur d'Aristote. Phenomenologie, ontologie, cosmologie | da |
1604 | Carte | CLA4.1 | Claudii Claudiani | Carmina | da |
1605 | Carte | CLA3.1 | Clavaud, Robert | Le menexene de Platon et la rhetorique de son temps | da |
1606 | Carte | CLE2.1 | Cleary, John J. | The perennial tradition of Neoplatonism | da |
1607 | Carte | CLE1.1 | Clemens, Raymond; Graham, Timothy | Introduction to manuscript studies | da |
1608 | Articol | x-cob1.1 | Coby, Patrick | Aristotle's Four Conceptions of Politics | da |
1609 | Carte | COC2.1 | Cochrane, Charles Norris | Thucydides And The Science Of History | da |
1610 | Carte | COC1.1 | Cocteau, Jean | Lettre a Jacques Maritain | da |