1531 | Articol | X-war1.1 | Warren, E. W. | Imagiantion in Plotinus | da |
1532 | Carte | ANI1.1 | Alexandra Anisie | Imaginea, imaginatia si memoria in arta lui Giordano Bruno. Teza de doctorat | da |
1533 | Carte | GUD1.1 | Gudeman, Alfred (ed.) | Imagines philologorum. 160 Bildnisse aus der Zeit von der Renaissance bis zur Gegenwart | da |
1534 | Carte | EME2.1 | Emerson, Jan Swango; Feiss, Hugh (eds.) | Imagining heaven in the Middle Ages : a book of essays | nu |
1535 | Carte | EBB1.1 | Ebbott, Mary | Imagining illegitimacy in classical Greek literature | da |
1536 | Carte | BRO3.1 | James H. Brown | Imagining the Text | da |
1537 | Carte | LUK1.2 | Lukács, Edit Anna | Immovable truth divine knowledge and the bible at the university of Vienna (1384-1419) | da |
1538 | Articol | X-moo1.1 | Moonan, Lawrence | Impossibility and Peter Damian | da |
1539 | Carte | CIC1.12 | Marcus Tullius Cicero | In C. Verrem Actionis Secvunde | da |
1540 | Carte | PLE1.6 | Georgios Gemistos Plethon | În ce privințe se deosebește Aristotel de Platon | da |