1491 | Carte | KRA2.1 | Kraemer, Joel L. | Humanism in the renaissance of Islam: the cultural revival during the Buyid age | da |
1492 | Carte | MAR16.19 | Maritain, Jacques | Humanisme integral | da |
1493 | Carte | HUM1.1 | Humbertus de Prulliaco | Humbertus de Prulliaco, Sententia super librum Metaphisice Aristotelis, Liber I-V | da |
1494 | Articol | X-rin1.1 | Rini, Adriane | Hupo in the Prior Analytics: a note on Disamis XLL | da |
1495 | Carte | EPH1.1 | Ephram des Syrers | Hymnen gegen din Irrlehren | da |
1496 | Carte | MEL1.1.1 | Roman Melodul | Hymnes (Tome I: Ancien Testament I-VIII) | da |
1497 | Articol | x-kin1.1 | Kinney, Laurence F. | Hypothesis and Dialectic | da |
1498 | Carte | BAG1.4 | Agostino Paravicini Bagliani (ed.) | I cinque sensi / The Five senses | da |
1499 | Carte | BAG1.7 | Agostino Paravicini Bagliani (ed.) | I discorsi dei corpi / Discourses of the Body | da |
1500 | Carte | CAL3.1 | Calogero, Guido | I fondamenti della logica Aristotelica | da |