
Nr.TipCotaAutor TitluDisponibil
1451ArticolX-bru1.1Brunn , Emilie Zum Dieu n'est pas etre da
1452CarteBRU5.1Brunner Emil Temeiurile credinţei creştineda
1453CarteGEN1.1.1Bruno GentilusPoetarum Elegiacorum Vol. 1da
1454CarteGEN1.1.2Bruno Gentilus (ed.)Poetarum Elegiacorum Vol. 2da
1455CarteBRU4.1Bruno, GiordanoDespre înlănţuiri în general (De vinculis)da
1456CarteBRU4.2Bruno, GiordanoLe banquet des Cendresda
1457CarteBRUO2.1Bruno, GiordanoŒuvres complètes. Documents I. Le Procèsda
1458CarteBRUO1.3Bruno, GiordanoOpere complete III. De la causa, principio et unoda
1459CarteBRUO1.4Bruno, GiordanoOpere complete IV. De l`infinito, universo e mondida
1460CarteBRU2.1Brunschwig, Jacques (ed)Les stoïciens et leur logiquenu
1461CarteBRU3.1Bruun, Otto; Corti, Lorenzo (eds.)Les catégories et leur histoireda
1462CarteLTHK1Buchberger, MichaelA bis Bartholomaerda
1463CarteLTHK2Buchberger, MichaelBartholomaus bis Colonnada
1464CarteLTHK3Buchberger, MichaelColorbasus bis Filioqueda
1465CarteLTHK4Buchberger, MichaelFilippini bis Heviterda
1466CarteLTHK5Buchberger, MichaelHexapla bis Kirchweiheda
1467CarteLTHK6Buchberger, MichaelKirejewski bis Maurada
1468CarteLTHK7Buchberger, MichaelMauretanien bis Patrologieda
1469CarteLTHK8Buchberger, MichaelPatron bis Rudolfda
1470CarteLTHK9Buchberger, MichaelRufina bis Terzda
1471CarteLTHK10Buchberger, MichaelTerziaren bis Zytomierzda
1472Articolx-buc1.1Bucks, Gertrude The Present Status of Rhetorical Theoryda
1473CarteBUN1.1Bünz, Enno Die mittelalterliche Pfarrei : ausgewählte Studien zum 13.-16. Jahrhundertda
1474CarteBUR5.2.3Burckhardt, JacobCivilisation de la Renaissance en Italie 3da
1475CarteBUR5.2.1Burckhardt, JacobCivilisation de la Renaissance en Italie Ida
1476CarteBUR5.2.2Burckhardt, JacobCivilisation de la Renaissance en Italie 2da
1477CarteBUR5.1Burckhardt, JakobGriechische Kulturgeschichte. Der griechische Menschda
1478CarteBUR4.3Buridanus, Iohannes; Hubien, Hubert (ed.)Tractatus de consequentiisda
1479CarteBUR4.1Buridanus, Johannes; De Rijk, L.M. (ed)Lectura Erfordiensis in I-VI Metaphysicam, together with the 15th-century Abbreviatio Caminensisda
1480CarteBUR8.1Burillo, Rosa M. DiazEl Bellum civile de Lucano: Tradicion incunable y postincunable (1469-1520)da
1481CarteBUR1.1Burlando, G.De las pasiones en la filosofía medievalda
1482CarteBUR6.1Burnet, JohnEarly Greek Philosophyda
1483CarteBUR2.1Burnett, C.; Meirinhos, J.; Hamesse, J. (eds)Continuities and disruptions between the Middle Ages and the Renaissanceda
1484CarteBUR3.1Burton, Pierre-AndréBibliotheca aelrediana secundada
1485CarteBUT2.1Butorac, David D.; Layne, Danielle A. (eds.)Proclus and his legacyda
1486CarteBUT1.2Buttgen, PhilippeLuther et la Philosophieda
1487CarteANG1.1C. Angotti, M. Brinzei, M. Teeuwen (eds.)Portraits de maitres offerts a Olga Weijersda
1488CarteCAP5.1C. Atei CapitonisFragmentada
1489CarteGAU5.1C. Gaullier-Bougassas, Margaret Bridges, J. Y. Tiliette (eds.)Trajectoires Europeennes du Secretum secretorum du Ps. Aristote (XIII-XVI siecle)da
1490CarteCAE1.3C. Iulius CaesarBellum Gallicumda
1491CarteCAE1.5C. Iulius CaesarBellum Civileda
1492CarteCAE1.4C. Iulius CaesarBellum Galicum vol. Ida
1493CarteCAE1.6C. Iulius CaesarBellum Gallicumda
1494CarteSAL3.3C. Sallustius CrispusCatilina, Iugurtha, fragmenta ampliorada
1495CarteCAD1.1Cadden, JoanMeanings of Sex Difference in the Middle Ages. Medicine, Science and Culture.da
1496CarteCYP1.1.1Caecilius CyprianusTraktateda
1497CarteCYP1.1.2Caecilius CyprianusBriefeda
1498CarteCAI1.1Caiazzo, IreneLectures médiévales de Macrobeda
1499CarteFLA2.1Caiu Valerius FlaccusArgonautikonda
1500CarteCAE1.1Caius Iulius CaesarDe bello gallicoda
1501CarteCAE1.2Caius Iulius CaesarDe bello civilida
1502CarteVIC1.1Caius Iulius VictorArs Rhetoricada
1503Articolx-caj1.10Cajori, Florian The Purpose of Zeno's Arguments on Motionda
1504Articolx-caj1.1Cajori, FlorianThe History of Zeno's Arguments on Motion: Phases in the Development of the Theory of Limitsda
1505Articolx-caj1.2Cajori, FlorianThe History of Zeno's Arguments on Motion: Phases in the Development of the Theory of Limitsda
1506Articolx-caj1.3Cajori, FlorianThe History of Zeno's Arguments on Motion: Phases in the Development of the Theory of Limitsda
1507Articolx-caj1.6Cajori, FlorianThe History of Zeno's Arguments on Motion: Phases in the Development of the Theory of Limitsda
1508Articolx-caj1.7Cajori, FlorianThe History of Zeno's Arguments on Motion: Phases in the Development of the Theory of Limitsda
1509Articolx-caj1.8Cajori, FlorianThe History of Zeno's Arguments on Motion: Phases in the Development of the Theory of Limitsda
1510Articolx-caj1.9Cajori, FlorianThe History of Zeno's Arguments on Motion: Phases in the Development of the Theory of Limitsda
1511CarteCAL1.1CalcidiusCommentario al Timeo di Platoneda
1512CarteCAL2.2Calma, DragoşEtudes sur le premier siecle de l'averroisme latinda
1513CarteCAL2.1Calma, DragoşLe Poids de la citation. Etudes sur les sources arabes et grecques dans l'oeuvre de Dietrich de Freibergda
1514ArticolX-cal2.3Calma, Dragos Pologne - le groupe de Cracovieda
1515CarteCAL2.3.1Calma, Dragos (ed.)Neoplatonism in the Middle Ages. I. New Commentaries on Liber de causisda
1516ArticolX-cal2.2Calma, Dragos ; Imbach, RuediA fifteenth-century metaphysical treatise: preliminary remarcs on the colliget principiorum of Heymericus de Campoda
1517CarteCAL2.3.2Calma, Dragos(ed.)Neoplatonism in the Middle Ages II. New Commentaries on Liber de causis and Elementatio Theologicada
1518CarteCAL2.4Calma, Dragos; Coccia, Emanuele (eds.)Les sectatores Averrois. Noetique et cosmologie aux XIIIe-XIVe sieclesda
1519ArticolX-cal1.1Calma, MonicaLa connaissance philosophique de la Trinite selon Pierre D'Ailly et la fortune medievale de la proposition "Monas genuit monadem"da
1520CarteCAL3.1Calogero, GuidoI fondamenti della logica Aristotelicada
1521CarteCAL4.1.1Calvin, JeanÎnvățătura religiei creștine vol. Ida
1522CarteCAL4.1.2Calvin, JeanÎnvățătura religiei creștine vol. IIda
1523CarteCAM2.1Campbell, RichardRethinking Anselm's arguments. A vindication of his proof of the existence of Godda
1524CarteCAM3.1Campi, L.; Simonetta, S. (eds.)Before and After Wyclif: Sources and Textual Influencesnu
1525CarteCAM3.1#2Campi, L.; Simonetta, S. (eds.)Before and After Wyclif: Sources and Textual Influencesda
1526CarteCAN2.2Cantemir, DimitrieO cercetare naturală a monarhiilorda
1527CarteCAN2.1Cantemir, DimitrieL'immagine irrafigurabile della Scienta Sacro-Santada
1528CarteCAN1.1Cantin, AndréFoi et dialectique au XIe siècleda
1529CarteCAP2.1Capellanus, AndreasDespre iubireda
1530CarteCAP3.1Capelle, WilhelmDie Vorsokratikerda
1531CarteCAP7.2Cappelli, AdrianoCronologia, cronografia e calendario perpetuo: dal principio dell'era cristiana ai nostri giorni da
1532CarteCAP7.1Cappelli, AdrianoDizionario di abbreviature latine ed italianenu
1533ArticolX-car1.1Carchia, Gianni La pensee et son ombre. De l'histoire de la philosophie comme mythologieda
1534CarteCAR3.1Carlini, AntonioStudi sulla tradizione antica e medievale del Fedoneda
1535CarteBRI3.1Carlo Alberto BrioschiIl Malaffare. Breve Storia della Corruzioneda
1536CarteCAR6.1Carmassi, Patrizia Marginalien in Bild und Text : Essays zu mittelalterlichen Handschriftenda
1537CarteCAR1.3#2Caroti, S.; Celeyrette, J. (eds.)Quia inter doctores est magna dissensio. Les debats de philosophie naturelle a Paris au XIVe siecleda
1538CarteCAR1.3#1Caroti, S.; Celeyrette, J. (eds.)Quia inter doctores est magna dissensio. Les debats de philosophie naturelle a Paris au XIVe siecleda
1539CarteCAR1.1Caroti, StefanoNicolas d'Autrécourt et la Faculté des arts de Paris, 1317-1340da
1540CarteCAR1.2Caroti, Stefano; Imbach, Ruedi; Kaluza, Zenon; Stabile, Giorgio; Sturlese, Loris (eds.)Ad ingenii acutionem. Studies in honour of Alfonso Mayeruda
1541ArticolX-car2.1Carroll, William E. The condemnations of Paris (1277) and the christian origins of modern scienceda
1542CarteCAR4.1Cartelle, E. Montero; Manjarrés, M. Á. González; Dictionarium Latinum Andrologiae, Gynecologiae et Embryologiae | Diccionario Latino de Andrología, Ginecología y Embriología Ab Antiquitate usque ad XVI saeculum | Desde la Antigüedad hasta el siglo XVIda
1543CarteCAR5.1Carton, RaoulL' expérience mystique de l'illumination intérieure chez Roger Baconda
1544CarteCAS1.2Cassin, B. et Narcy, M.La decision du sens. Le livre Gamma de la Metaphysique d'Aristoteda
1545CarteCAS1.4Cassin, Barbara Philosopher en langues. Les intraduisibles en traductionda
1546CarteCAS1.1Cassin, BarbaraVocabulaire européen des philosophiesda
1547CarteCAS1.3Cassin, Barbara Si Parmenideda
1548CarteCAS1.5Cassin, Barbara (coord.)Vocabularul european al filosofiilornu
1549CarteCAS2.3CassiodorDespre sufletda