1451 | Carte | SPA1.1 | Spade, Paul Vincent | The medieval liar: a catalogue of the insolubilia-literature | da |
1452 | Carte | FS12.3-4 | | Franciscan Studies volume 12, nos. 3 and 4 | da |
1453 | Carte | HAM1.6 | Hamesse, J; Fattori, M (eds.) | Rencontres de cultures dans la philosophie medievale | da |
1454 | Carte | ARI1.40.2 | Aristotel; Ross, W.D. | Aristotle's Metaphysics, vol. II | da |
1455 | Carte | ARI1.40.1 | Aristotel; Ross, W.D. | Aristotle's Metaphysics, vol. I | da |
1456 | Carte | BAL1.1 | Balic, Charles | John Duns Scotus. Some reflections on the occasion of the seventh centenary of his birth | da |
1457 | Carte | KLI1.1 | Klibansky, Raymond | The continuity of the Platonic Tradition during the Middle Ages | da |
1458 | Carte | GAU2.1 | Gaudefroy-Demombynes, M; Blachere, R. | Grammaire de l'Arabe Classique | nu |
1459 | Carte | VOG1.1 | Vogel, Cyrille | Introduction aux sources de l'histoire du culte chretien au moyen age | da |
1460 | Carte | SCO1.6 | | Duns Scotus Congress. Secundus Congressus Scholasticus Internationalis | da |