
Nr.TipCotaAutor TitluDisponibil
1431CarteBRE4.2Brenet, Jean-Baptiste; Lizzini, Olga Lucia (eds.)La philosophie arabe à l'étude : sens, limites et défis d'une discipline moderne/Studying Arabic philosophy : meanings, limits and challenges of a modern disciplinnu
1432CarteBRE1.2Brentano, FranzDe la diversité des acceptions de l' être d' aprés Aristoteda
1433CarteBRE1.1Brentano, FranzDespre multipla semnificatie a fiintei la Aristotelda
1434Articolx-bre2.1Breton, StanislasEst-Je Suis: Parmenide ou Moiseda
1435ArticolX-bri1.1Brient, Elizabeth Transitions to a Modern Cosmology: Meister Eckhart and Nicholas of Cusa on the Intensive Infiniteda
1436CarteBRI1.1Briguglia, Gianluca (ed)Medioevo in discussione. Temi, problemi, interpretazioni del pensiero medievaleda
1437Articolx-bri2.1Brill, AlanThe phenomenology of true dreams in Maimonidesda
1438CarteBRI2.5Brînzei, Monica (coord.)Henricus de Rinfeldia. Notes from the Classroom and Disputed Questions at the University of Vienna before 1400. A Transcription of the Manuscript Basel, Universitätsbibliothek, A X 44da
1439CarteBRI2.4Brînzei, Monica (ed.)The rise of an academic elite : deans, masters, and scribes at the University of Vienna before 1400da
1440CarteBRI2.6Brinzei, Monica; Coman, Daniel; Curut, Ioana; Marinca, Andrei (eds.)Pseudo-Aristotelian texts in medieval thoughtda
1441CarteBRI2.2Brînzei, Monica; Schabel, Cristopher (eds.)The Cistercian James of Eltville († 1393). Author in Paris and Authority in Viennada
1442CarteBRI2.3Brînzei, Monica; Schabel, Cristopher (eds.)Philosophical psychology in late-medieval commentaries on Peter Lombard's Sentencesda
1443CarteBRI4.5Brisson, LucLectures de Platonda
1444CarteBRI4.3Brisson, LucPlaton, les mots et les mythesda
1445CarteBRO1.1Brodsky, Pavel, Parez, JanCatalogue of the illuminated manuscripts of the Strahov Libraryda
1446CarteBRO2.1Brown, PeterLa formazzione dell'Europa Cristianada
1447CarteBRO2.3Brown, PeterLa vie de Saint Augustinda
1448CarteBRO2.4Brown, PeterAugustine of Hippo : a biographyda
1449CarteBRU6.1Brulé, PierreWomen of Ancient Greeceda
1450Articolx-bru1.3Brunn , Emilie Zum Les Premieres <<Questions Parisiennes>> Maitre Eckhartda
1451ArticolX-bru1.1Brunn , Emilie Zum Dieu n'est pas etre da
1452CarteBRU5.1Brunner Emil Temeiurile credinţei creştineda
1453CarteGEN1.1.1Bruno GentilusPoetarum Elegiacorum Vol. 1da
1454CarteGEN1.1.2Bruno Gentilus (ed.)Poetarum Elegiacorum Vol. 2da
1455CarteBRU4.1Bruno, GiordanoDespre înlănţuiri în general (De vinculis)da
1456CarteBRU4.2Bruno, GiordanoLe banquet des Cendresda
1457CarteBRUO2.1Bruno, GiordanoŒuvres complètes. Documents I. Le Procèsda
1458CarteBRUO1.3Bruno, GiordanoOpere complete III. De la causa, principio et unoda
1459CarteBRUO1.4Bruno, GiordanoOpere complete IV. De l`infinito, universo e mondida
1460CarteBRU2.1Brunschwig, Jacques (ed)Les stoïciens et leur logiquenu
1461CarteBRU3.1Bruun, Otto; Corti, Lorenzo (eds.)Les catégories et leur histoireda
1462CarteLTHK1Buchberger, MichaelA bis Bartholomaerda
1463CarteLTHK2Buchberger, MichaelBartholomaus bis Colonnada
1464CarteLTHK3Buchberger, MichaelColorbasus bis Filioqueda
1465CarteLTHK4Buchberger, MichaelFilippini bis Heviterda
1466CarteLTHK5Buchberger, MichaelHexapla bis Kirchweiheda
1467CarteLTHK6Buchberger, MichaelKirejewski bis Maurada
1468CarteLTHK7Buchberger, MichaelMauretanien bis Patrologieda
1469CarteLTHK8Buchberger, MichaelPatron bis Rudolfda
1470CarteLTHK9Buchberger, MichaelRufina bis Terzda
1471CarteLTHK10Buchberger, MichaelTerziaren bis Zytomierzda
1472Articolx-buc1.1Bucks, Gertrude The Present Status of Rhetorical Theoryda
1473CarteBUN1.1Bünz, Enno Die mittelalterliche Pfarrei : ausgewählte Studien zum 13.-16. Jahrhundertda
1474CarteBUR5.2.3Burckhardt, JacobCivilisation de la Renaissance en Italie 3da
1475CarteBUR5.2.1Burckhardt, JacobCivilisation de la Renaissance en Italie Ida
1476CarteBUR5.2.2Burckhardt, JacobCivilisation de la Renaissance en Italie 2da
1477CarteBUR5.1Burckhardt, JakobGriechische Kulturgeschichte. Der griechische Menschda
1478CarteBUR4.3Buridanus, Iohannes; Hubien, Hubert (ed.)Tractatus de consequentiisda
1479CarteBUR4.1Buridanus, Johannes; De Rijk, L.M. (ed)Lectura Erfordiensis in I-VI Metaphysicam, together with the 15th-century Abbreviatio Caminensisda
1480CarteBUR8.1Burillo, Rosa M. DiazEl Bellum civile de Lucano: Tradicion incunable y postincunable (1469-1520)da