1331 | Carte | BIR1.1 | Bird, Jessalynn Lea; Smith, Damian J. (eds.) | The Fourth Lateran Council and the crusade movement. The impact of the council of 1215 on Latin Christendom and the east | da |
1332 | Carte | BIS1.1 | Bisogno, Armando | Il metodo carolingio | da |
1333 | Carte | BLA5.1 | Blackwell, Richard J.; Foscarini, Paolo Antonio | Galileo, Bellarmine, and the Bible : Including a Translation of Foscarini's Letter On the Motion of the Earth | da |
1334 | Carte | BLA4.1 | Blair, Ann M. | Too much to know: managing scholarly information before the modern age | nu |
1335 | Carte | BLA4.2 | Blair, Ann; Duguid, Paul; Goeing, Anja-Silvia; Grafton, Anthony (eds.) | Information: a historical companion | nu |
1336 | Carte | BLA1.2 | Blaise de Parme | Questiones super tractatus logice magistri Petri Hispani | nu |
1337 | Carte | BLA1.1 | Blaise de Parme | Questiones super perspectiva communi | nu |
1338 | Articol | x-bla2.1 | Blanco, Arturo | The influence of faith in angels on the medieval vision of nature and man | da |
1339 | Articol | X-bla1.1 | Blazek Pavel | Jean Streler, lecons sur les psaumes de la penitence | da |
1340 | Articol | x-bla1.2#1 | Blazek, P. | Congres termines | da |
1341 | Articol | x-bla1.2#2 | Blazek, P. | Congres termines | da |
1342 | Carte | BLO4.1 | Bloch, Ernst | Avicenne et la gauche aristotélicienne | da |
1343 | Carte | BLO1.1 | Bloch, R. Howard | Étymologie et généalogie. Une anthropologie littéraire du Moyen Âge français | da |
1344 | Articol | x-blo1.1 | Block, Irving | Plato, Parmenides, Ryle and Exemplification | da |
1345 | Carte | BLU2.1 | Blumenberg, Hans | The Genesis of the Copernican World | da |
1346 | Carte | CHR2.1 | Blumenfeld-Kosinski, Renate | The selected writings of Christine de Pizan | da |
1347 | Carte | BLU3.1 | Blumenthal, H. J. | Aristotle and Neoplatonism in Late Antiquity. Interpretations of the De anima | da |
1348 | Articol | X-blu1.6 | Blumenthal, Henry J. | Some problems about body and soul in later pagan neoplatonism: Do they follow a pattern? | da |
1349 | Articol | X-blu1.4 | Blumenthal, Henry J. | Plotinus Adaptation of Aristotle's Psychology: Sensation, Imagination and Memory | da |
1350 | Articol | x-blu1.5 | Blumenthal, Henry J. | Soul and Body (chapter 2 in Plotinus ' Psychology) | da |
1351 | Articol | X-blu1.3 | Blumenthal, Henry J. | Did Plotinus believe in ideas of individuals? | da |
1352 | Articol | X-blu1.1 | Blumenthal, Henry J. | Neoplatonic elements in the de Anima commentaries | da |
1353 | Articol | X-blu1.2 | Blumenthal, Henry J. | Themistius: the last Peripatetic commentatator on Aristotle? | da |
1354 | Carte | BLU1.1 | Blund, John | Tractatus de anima | da |
1355 | Carte | BOB3.1 | Bobonich, Christopher | Plato's utopia recast : his later ethics and politics | da |