
Nr.TipCotaAutor TitluDisponibil
1326CarteBIA1.3#2Biard, JoëlLes lieux de l'argumentationda
1327CarteBIA1.6Biard, Joël; Celeyrette, Jean (eds.)De la théologie aux mathematiques: l'infini au XIVe siècleda
1328CarteBIA1.7Biard, Joël; Mariani Zini, Fosca (eds.)Ut philosophia poesis : questions philosophiques dans l'œuvre de Dante, Pètrarque et Boccacenu
1329CarteBIB1.1Bibliotèque nationale de FranceLes manuscrits à peintures en Franceda
1330CarteBID1.1Bidez, Joseph La Biographie d'Empedocleda
1331CarteBIR1.1Bird, Jessalynn Lea; Smith, Damian J. (eds.)The Fourth Lateran Council and the crusade movement. The impact of the council of 1215 on Latin Christendom and the eastda
1332CarteBIS1.1Bisogno, ArmandoIl metodo carolingioda
1333CarteBLA5.1Blackwell, Richard J.; Foscarini, Paolo AntonioGalileo, Bellarmine, and the Bible : Including a Translation of Foscarini's Letter On the Motion of the Earthda
1334CarteBLA4.1Blair, Ann M.Too much to know: managing scholarly information before the modern agenu
1335CarteBLA4.2Blair, Ann; Duguid, Paul; Goeing, Anja-Silvia; Grafton, Anthony (eds.)Information: a historical companionnu
1336CarteBLA1.2Blaise de ParmeQuestiones super tractatus logice magistri Petri Hispaninu
1337CarteBLA1.1Blaise de ParmeQuestiones super perspectiva communinu
1338Articolx-bla2.1Blanco, ArturoThe influence of faith in angels on the medieval vision of nature and manda
1339ArticolX-bla1.1Blazek PavelJean Streler, lecons sur les psaumes de la penitenceda
1340Articolx-bla1.2#1Blazek, P.Congres terminesda
1341Articolx-bla1.2#2Blazek, P.Congres terminesda
1342CarteBLO4.1Bloch, ErnstAvicenne et la gauche aristotélicienneda
1343CarteBLO1.1Bloch, R. HowardÉtymologie et généalogie. Une anthropologie littéraire du Moyen Âge françaisda
1344Articolx-blo1.1Block, IrvingPlato, Parmenides, Ryle and Exemplificationda
1345CarteBLU2.1Blumenberg, Hans The Genesis of the Copernican Worldda
1346CarteCHR2.1Blumenfeld-Kosinski, RenateThe selected writings of Christine de Pizanda
1347CarteBLU3.1Blumenthal, H. J. Aristotle and Neoplatonism in Late Antiquity. Interpretations of the De animada
1348ArticolX-blu1.6Blumenthal, Henry J.Some problems about body and soul in later pagan neoplatonism: Do they follow a pattern?da
1349ArticolX-blu1.4Blumenthal, Henry J.Plotinus Adaptation of Aristotle's Psychology: Sensation, Imagination and Memoryda
1350Articolx-blu1.5Blumenthal, Henry J.Soul and Body (chapter 2 in Plotinus ' Psychology)da
1351ArticolX-blu1.3Blumenthal, Henry J.Did Plotinus believe in ideas of individuals?da
1352ArticolX-blu1.1Blumenthal, Henry J.Neoplatonic elements in the de Anima commentaries da
1353ArticolX-blu1.2Blumenthal, Henry J.Themistius: the last Peripatetic commentatator on Aristotle?da
1354CarteBLU1.1Blund, JohnTractatus de animada
1355CarteBOB3.1Bobonich, ChristopherPlato's utopia recast : his later ethics and politics da
1356CarteBOB2.1Bobzien, SusanDeterminism and freedom in stoic philosophyda
1357CarteBOD1.1Bodel, John; Olyan, M. Saul (eds.)Household and family religion in antiquityda
1358ArticolX-bod1.1Bodéüs, RichardAme du Monde ou Corps Celeste? Une Interrogation D'Aristoteda
1359CarteBOE4.1Boegehold, Alan L.; Scafuro, C. Adele (eds.)Athenian identity and civic ideologyda
1360CarteBOE3.2Boehner, PhilotheusCollected articles on Ockhamda
1361CarteBOE3.1Boehner, Philotheus (ed.)The Tractatus de Succesivisda
1362CarteBOE5.1Boer, Jan-Hendryk de; Füssel, Marian; Schuh, Maximilian (eds.)Universitäre Gelehrtenkultur vom 13.–16. Jahrhundert. Ein interdisziplinäres Quellen- und Methodenhandbuchda
1364ArticolX-BOE1.2BoethiusDE HEBDOMADIBUS cum Gilberti Porretae commentariada
1365CarteBOE1.5BoethiusConsolarea filosofieinu
1366CarteBOE1.4BoethiusTratate teologiceda
1367CarteBOE1.2BoethiusDe topicis differentiisda
1368CarteBOE2.1Boethius DacusDe mundi aeternitate (ed. Sajo 1954 si 1964)da
1369CarteBOE2.3Boethius DacusTopica-Opuscula vol. VI, pars IIda
1370CarteBOE1.6Boethius; Gilbertus Porretanus; Avicenna; Averroes; Siger din Brabant; Dietrich din Freiberg; Ockham, WilliamCe este un lucru?da
1371CarteBOE2.2Boetius din DaciaDespre viata filosofuluida
1372CarteBOG1.1Bogoiu, FilotheiaProbleme filosofice și filologice în Etica Eudemicăda
1373CarteBON1.1.2BonaventuraOpera omnia, vol. 2da
1374CarteBON1.1.3BonaventuraOpera omnia, vol. 3da
1375CarteBON1.1.4BonaventuraOpera omnia, vol. 4da