
Nr.TipCotaAutorTitlu Disponibil
111CarteHOR2.1P. W. Van Der HorstAelius Aristides And The New Testamentda
113CartePET2.3.1PetrarcaAfrica I-Vda
114CarteAER1.3Aertsen, Jan; Emery, Kent; Speer, Andreas (Hsg.)After the Condemnation of 1277da
115CartePHI1.6PhiloponusAgainst Aristotle, on the Eternity of the Worldda
116CarteDIA3.1Diaconu, Luminița; Anton, Corina (eds.)Âges et genres des émotions médiévalesda
117ArticolX-ras1.1Rashed, MarwanAgregat de parties ou vinculum substantiale? Sur une hesitation conceptuelle et textuelle du corpus aristotelicienda
118CarteTAC1.12Tacitus, CorneliusAgricolada
119ArticolX-fak1.1 Fakhry, Majid Al-Farabi on Plato and Aristotleda
120ArticolX-poi1.5Poirel, DominiqueAlain de Lille, heritier de l'ecole de Saint-Victor?da
121CarteSOL1.1Solère, Jean-Luc; Vasiliu, Anca; Galonnier, Alain (ed.)Alain de Lille, le Docteur Universel. Philosophie, theologie, et litterature au XIIe siecleda
122ArticolX-ste2.3 Steenberghen, Fernand VanAlbert le Grand et l'Aristotelismeda
123CarteLIB1.5Libera, Alain deAlbert le Grand et la philosophienu
124Articolx-lib1.8 Libera, Alain de Albert le grand et Thomas D'Aquin interpretes du ,,Liber de causis"da
125CarteCRA1.1Craemer-Ruegenberg, IngridAlbertus Magnusda
126CarteHOE1.2Hoenen, M. J. F. M.; de Libera, AlainAlbertus Magnus Und Der Albertismusnu
127CarteALB2.7Albertus MagnusAlbertus Magnus und sein System der Wissenschaftennu
128CarteAFR1.4Alexander Of Aphrodisias; Eric Lewis (tr.)Alexander Of Aphrodisias On Aristotle Meteorology 4nu
129ArticolX-gas1.2Gaskin, Richard Alexander's Sea Battle: a discussion of Alexander of Aphrodisias De Fato 10da
131CarteLYC1.1LycophronusAlexandra (ed. Mascialino)da
132Articolx-the1.1Thery, Gabriel Alexandre d' Aphrodiseda
133CarteRAS1.1Rashed, MarwanAlexandre d'Aphrodise, Commentaire perdu à la Physique d'Aristote (livres IV-VIII)da
134CarteMOR2.2Moraux, Paul Alexandre d'Aphrodise. Exegete de la Noetique d'Aristoteda
135CarteAFR1.3Alexandre d'AphrodisiasAlexandre d'Aphrodisias commentaires sur les Météores d'Aristoteda
136CarteDAV2.1Davidson, Herbert A.Alfarabi, Avicenna, and Averroes, on intellectnu
137CartePRO1.11d' Hoine, Pieter; Martijn, Marije (eds.)All from one : a guide to Proclusda
138CarteTHU3.1Thuillier, JeanAllez les rouges! Les jeux du cirque en Etrurie et a Romeda
139ArticolX-poi1.21Poirel, DominiqueAlmanne de hautvillersda
140ArticolX-bod1.1Bodéüs, RichardAme du Monde ou Corps Celeste? Une Interrogation D'Aristoteda
141CarteHAL4.1Halama, Ota(ed.)Amica Sponsa Mater, Bible v Case Reformaceda
142CarteADA2.1Adămuț, AntonAmicus Plato sed magis amica veritas: Istoria spusei de la Homer la Tarskida
143Articolx-ger1.1Geréby GyörgyAmit Anzelm és Gaunilo mondtak egymásnakda
144CarteMAR16.33Maritain, JacquesAmour et Amitieda
145CarteJAN1.1Janssens, Jules L.An Annotated Bibliography on Ibn Sinada
146Articolx-ram1.1 Ramage, Edwin S.An Early Trace on Socratic Dialogueda
147CarteRYN1.1Rynhold, Daniel An Introduction to Medieval Jewish Philosophynu
148CarteGOO1.1Goodenough, Erwin R.An Introduction to PHILO JUDAEUSda
149Articolx-ste1.3Steel, Carlos ; Guy GuldentopsAn unknown tratise of Averoes against the Avicennians on the first causeda
150CarteXEN1.1XenophonAnabase (Morceaux choisis)da
151CarteCRI3.1Crîşmăreanu, FlorinAnalogie şi hristologie. Studii dionisiene şi maximieneda
152CarteAL4.1-4AristotelAnalytica Posteriorada
153CarteAL3.1AristotelAnalytica priora (Aristoteles)da
154CarteARI1.15AristotelAnalytica Priora et Posterioranu
155CarteLEO1.1Leonardi, ClaudioAnastasio Bibliotecario e l'ottavo concilio ecumenicoda
156CarteSTE1.1Steno, NicolausAnatomical Observations of the glands of the eye and their new vessels thereby revealing the true source of tearsda
157CarteKAL2.1Kalhous, DavidAnatomy of a duchy. The political and ecclesiastical structures of early Přemyslid Bohemiada
158Articolx-ber1.1Berti, EnricoAncient Greek Dialectic as Expression of Freedom of Thought and Speechda
159CarteAUL2.1Bradley A. Ault, Lisa C. Nevett (ed.)Ancient Greek houses and households : chronological, regional, and social diversityda
160CarteLOV1.1Larsson Lovén, Lena ; Strömberg, Agneta (ed.)Ancient marriage in myth and realityda
161ArticolX-kli2.1Klima, GyulaAncilla theologiae vs. domina philosophorum. Thomas Aquinas, Latin Averroism and the Autonomy of Philosophyda
162CarteMON2.1Monson, Don A.Andreas Capellanus, Scholasticism and the courtly traditionda
163ArticolX-vac1A. VacantAnge d'apres la Sainte Ecritureda
164CarteDIO1.6Dionysius AreopagitaAngebliche Schriften uber di Beiden Hierarchienda
165Articolx-adl1.1Adler, Mortimer J.Angelda
166CarteAGA1.1Agamben, GiorgioAngelida
168CarteTAC1.6.1Tacitus, Cornelius Annales Ida
169CarteTAC1.7.1Tacitus, Cornelius Annales Tom. 1da
170CarteTAC1.8.1Tacitus, Cornelius Annales XI-XVI. I.2da
171CarteLIV3.1Livadiotti, UmbertoAnonimo del IV seccolo. Descrizione del mondo e delle sue gentida
172CarteCOS2.1#1Costa, IacopoAnonymi artium magistri Questiones super librum ethicorum Aristotelisda
173CarteCOS2.1#2Costa, IacopoAnonymi artium magistri Questiones super librum ethicorum Aristotelisda
174CarteBAZ1.1Bernardo Carlos Bazan (ed.)Anonymi Magistri Artium, Sententia super II et III De animada
175CarteCOM4.1Coman, DanielAnselm din Canterbury. Influențe și receptări în logica și teologia medievală cu un studiu de caz pe comentariile sentențiare din a doua jumătate a secolului al XIV-leada
176CarteMAC3.1Costa Macedo, J. M.Anselmo e a astucia de razaoda
177CarteSTA2.1.1Stadtmueller, Hugo (ed.)Anthologia graeca vol 1da
178CarteSTA2.1.2Stadtmueller, Hugo (ed.)Anthologia graeca vol 2.1da
179CarteSTA2.1.3Stadtmueller, Hugo (ed.)Anthologia graeca vol 3.1da
180CarteDIE5.1.1Diehl, E.(ed.)Anthologia Lyrica Graeca fasc.1da
181CarteDIE5.1.2Diehl, E.(ed.)Anthologia Lyrica Graeca fasc.2da
182CarteDIE5.1.3Diehl, E.(ed.)Anthologia Lyrica Graeca fasc.3da
183CarteMAR16.4Maritain, Jacques Antimoderneda
184CarteDIO4.1.1Dionysius din HalikarnasAntiquitatum Romanarum vol. 1da
185CarteHAL2.1Hall, John R.Apocalipsa: din Antichitate pana in Imperiul Modernitatiida
186CarteMCG3.1 McGinn, BernardApocalyptic Spirituality: Treatises and Letters of Lactantius, Adso of Montier-en-Der, Joachim of Fiore, the Franciscan Spirituals, Savonarolada
187CarteBEK1.1Immanuel BekkerApollonii Sophistae Lexicon Homericumda
188CarteTER2.2TertulianApologetische/dogmatische und montanistiche scriftenda
189CartePLA1.12PlatonApologia Socratisda
190CartePLA1.13PlatonApologie de Socrateda
191CarteSIN1.1Singer, Samuel Apolonius von Tyrus. Untersuchungen uber das Fortleben des antiken Romans in spartern zeitenda
192CarteKUR1.1.1Kurfess, A. (ed.)Appendix Sallustiana Ida
193CarteKUR1.1.2Kurfess, A. (ed.)Appendix Sallustiana IIda
194CarteGOU2.1Goullet, Monique; Parisse, MichelApprendre le latin médiévalda
195CarteFID1.3 Fidora, Alexander; Polloni, Nicola (ed.)Appropriation, Interpretation and Criticism: Philosophical and Theological exchanges between the Arabic, Hebrew and Latin Intellectual Traditionsda
196CarteBAU1.3Baumgarten, AlexanderAproape de Toma. Studii de aristotelism si neoplatonism latinda
197Articolx-owe1.1Owens, J. Aquinas on Infinite Regressda
198Articolx-hal2.1 Haldane, John T.Aquinas on Sense-Perceptionda
199Articolx-jen1.1Jenkins, JohnAquinas on the Veracity of the Intellectda
200ArticolX-tay1.2 Taylor, Richard C. Aquinas, the Plotiniana Arabica, and the Metaphysics of Being and Actualityda
201CarteDEM1.1de Menasce, P.J.Arabische Philosophieda
202CarteLUL1.5Raimundus LullusArbre de scienceda
203CarteAV14Archa Verbi, vol. 14/2017da
204CarteHAH1.1R. HahnArchaeology and the Origins of Philosophyda
205CarteMIL2.1Miller, Stephen G. ; Stampulēs, Chrēstos ; Miller, Stephen G.Archaios ellēnikos athlētismosda
206CarteLIB1.1.2Libera, Alain deArchéologie du sujet: La quête de l'identité (vol.2)da
207CarteLIB1.2.2 Libera, Alain de Archeologie du sujet: La quete de l'identite (vol.2)nu
208CarteLIB1.2.1Libera, Alain deArcheologie du sujet: Naissance du sujet (vol.1)nu
209CarteLIB1.1.1 Libera, Alain deArcheologie du sujet: Naissance du sujet (vol.1)da
210CarteSAL4.1Salvador, Xavier Laurent Archeologie et etimologie semantiques. La traduction du livre de l'Exode de la Bible Historiale (1295)da