Caută după Publicaţie
Nr. | Tip | Cota | Autor | Titlu | Disponibil |
1 | Articol | X-dod1.1 | Dodds, E.R. | The Parmenides of Plato and the origin of the neoplatonic" One" | da |
2 | Articol | X-war1.2 | Warren, Edward W. | Memory in Plotinus | da |
3 | Articol | X-war1.1 | Warren, E. W. | Imagiantion in Plotinus | da |
4 | Articol | x-bar1.1 | Barnes, Jonathan | Aristotle, Menaechmus, and Circular Proof | da |
5 | Articol | x-ker1.1 | Kerferd, G.B. | Plato's Noble Art of Sophistry | da |
6 | Articol | x-klo1.4 | Klosko, G. | Criteria of Fallacy and Sophistry for Use in the Analysis of Platonic Dialogues | da |