326 | Carte | MAI1.4.1 | Moses Maimonides, Shlomo Pines (trad.), Leo Strauss (introd.) | The Guide of the Perplexed | da |
327 | Carte | MAI1.4.2 | Moise Maimonide, Shlomo Pines (ed.), Leo Strauss (introd.) | The Guide of the Perplexed | da |
328 | Carte | ROS1.1 | Rosemann, Philipp W. | The Story of a Great Medieval Book. Peter Lombard's Sentences | da |
329 | Carte | ADA4.1 | Adams, J. N. | The vulgar Latin of the letters of Claudius Terentianus | da |
330 | Carte | CAM1.1 | Richard of Campsall (author) ; Synan, Edward A. (ed.) | The Works of Richard of Campsall. Vol. I. Questiones super Librum Priorum Analeticorum | da |
331 | Carte | SCH5.2 | Schabel, Christopher (ed.) | Theological Quodlibeta in the Middle Ages. The Fourteenth Century. | da |
332 | Carte | WYC1.2 | John Wycliff, Ivan J. Mueller (ed.) | Tractatus de universalibus | da |
333 | Carte | FLS1.1 | Saccenti, Riccardo | Un nuovo lessico morale medievale. Il contributo di Burgundio da Pisa | da |
334 | Carte | DEN4.1 | D.G. Denery II, K. Ghosh, N. Zeeman (ed.) | Uncertain Knowledge. Scepticism, Relativism, and Doubt in the Middle Ages | nu |
335 | Carte | GIR3.2 | Giraud, Cédric; Morard, Martin (eds.) | Universitas scolarium : mélanges offerts à Jacques Verger par ses anciens étudiants | da |
336 | Carte | VER3.3 | Verger, Jacques | Universitățile în Evul Mediu | da |
337 | Carte | CES1.1 | Cesalli L., Germann N., Hoenen M.J.F.M. | University, Council, City. Intellectual Culture on the Rhine (1300-1550) | da |
338 | Carte | MAR3.1 | Marmo, Constantino (ed.) | Vestigia, Imagines, Verba. Semiotics and Logic in medieval theological texts (XIIth-XIVth Century) | da |