1 | Carte | THO1.5 | Toma din Aquino | Super Librum de causis | da |
2 | Carte | ARI1.4#1 | Aristotel | De l' ame | da |
3 | Carte | ROS1.1 | Rosemann, Philipp W. | The Story of a Great Medieval Book. Peter Lombard's Sentences | da |
4 | Carte | ALL1.1#1 | Petri de Alliaco | Questiones super primum, tertium et quartum librum Sententiarum: Principia et questio circa prologum | da |
5 | Carte | HER1.2#1 | Hervaeus Natalis; de Rijk, L. M. | De quattuor materiis sive determinationes contra magistrum Henricum de Gandavo Vol. II | da |
6 | Carte | ANG1.1 | C. Angotti, M. Brinzei, M. Teeuwen (eds.) | Portraits de maitres offerts a Olga Weijers | da |
7 | Carte | AUG1.4.1 | Augustin | De trinitate, I-XII | da |
8 | Carte | AUG1.4.2 | Augustin | De trinitate, XIII-XV | da |
9 | Carte | SHA1.1 | Shank, Michael H. | "Unless You Believe, You Shall Not Understand". Logic, University and Society in Late Medieval Vienna | da |
10 | Carte | ORE1.1 | Celeyrett, Jean; Grellard, Christophe | Nicole Oresme Philosophe. Philosophie de la nature et philosophie de la connaissance a Paris au XIV siecle | da |
11 | Carte | JEA1.1 | Jeauneau, Edouard | Etudes erigeniennes | da |
12 | Carte | KIL1.1.2 | Robert Kilwardby | Quaestiones in librum secundum Sententiarum | da |
13 | Carte | KIL1.1.5 | Robert Kilwardby | Quaestiones in quattuor libros sententiarum-appendix | da |
14 | Carte | CHE1.1 | M. D. Chenu | Le reponses de S. Thomas et de Kilwardby a la consultation de Jean de Verceil | da |
15 | Carte | CHE1.2 | M. D. Chenu | Le etudes de philosophie medievale | da |
16 | Carte | CAR1.2 | Caroti, Stefano; Imbach, Ruedi; Kaluza, Zenon; Stabile, Giorgio; Sturlese, Loris (eds.) | Ad ingenii acutionem. Studies in honour of Alfonso Mayeru | da |
17 | Carte | HAL1.2.1 | Alexander de Hales | Summa theologica, vol. 1 | da |
18 | Carte | HAL1.2.2 | Alexander de Hales | Summa theologica, vol. 2 | da |
19 | Carte | HAL1.2.3 | Alexander de Hales | Summa theologica, vol. 3 | da |
20 | Carte | HAL1.2.4 | Alexander de Hales | Summa theologica, vol. 4 | da |
21 | Carte | PHI3.1.2 | Philippus Cancellarius Parisiensis | Summa de bono; pars posterior | da |
22 | Carte | PHI3.1.1 | Philippus Cancellarius Parisiensis | Summa de bono; pars prior | da |
23 | Carte | DIO1.5.1 | Pseudo-Dionisie Areopagitul; Chevallier, Phillippe (ed.) | Dionysiaca; vol. 1 | da |
24 | Carte | DIO1.5.2 | Pseudo-Dionisie Areopagitul; Chevallier, Phillippe (ed.) | Dionysiaca; vol. 2 | da |
25 | Carte | HAL1.2.5 | Alexander de Hales | Summa Theologica; indices in tom. I-IV (indice A-M) | da |
26 | Carte | CES1.1 | Cesalli L., Germann N., Hoenen M.J.F.M. | University, Council, City. Intellectual Culture on the Rhine (1300-1550) | da |
27 | Carte | DEN4.1 | D.G. Denery II, K. Ghosh, N. Zeeman (ed.) | Uncertain Knowledge. Scepticism, Relativism, and Doubt in the Middle Ages | nu |
28 | Carte | WEI1.16 | Weijers, Olga | In search of the truth. A history of disputation techniques from antiquity to early modern times | da |
29 | Carte | WEI1.17#1 | Weijers, Olga | A scholar's paradise: Teaching and debating in medieval Paris | da |
30 | Carte | THO4.1.1 | Thomson, Rodney M. (ed.) | Catalogue of Medieval Manuscripts of Latin Commentaries on Aristotle in British Libraries. Volume I: Oxford | da |
31 | Carte | THO4.1.2 | Thomson, Rodney M. (ed.) | Catalogue of Medieval Manuscripts of Latin Commentaries on Aristotle in British Libraries. Volume II: Cambridge | da |
32 | Carte | DRA1.1 | Draelants, I.; Balouzat-Loubet, C. (eds.) | La formule au Moyen Age, II, (Formulas in Medieval Culture, II) | da |
33 | Carte | COU5.1 | Courtenay, William | Schools and Scholars in fourteenth century England | nu |
34 | Carte | BRI2.1 | Monica Brînzei (ed.) | Nicolas of Dinkelsbuhl and the Sentences at VIenna in the Early Fifteenth Century | da |
35 | Carte | FIO1.1 | Fiorentino, Francesco (ed.) | Lo scotismo nel mezzogiorno d'Italia. Atti del Congresso Internazionale (Bitonto 25-28 marzo 2008) | da |
36 | Carte | BOU3.5 | Olivier Boulnois, Elizabeth Karger, Jean-Luc Solere, Gerard Sondag (eds.) | Duns Scot a Paris 1302-2002. Actes du colloque de Paris, 2-4 septembre 2002 | da |
37 | Carte | MAR3.1 | Marmo, Constantino (ed.) | Vestigia, Imagines, Verba. Semiotics and Logic in medieval theological texts (XIIth-XIVth Century) | da |
38 | Carte | LOM1.3.1 | Pierre Lombard | Les quatres livres des Sentences. Premier Livre | da |
39 | Carte | LOM1.3.2 | Pierre Lombard | Les quatres livres des Sentences. Deuxieme Livre | da |
40 | Carte | VES1.2 | Vescovini, Graziella Federici (ed.) | Corpo e anima, sensi interni et intelleto dai secoli XIII-XIV ai post-cartesiani e spinoziani | da |
41 | Carte | GIL2.1 | Gilmont, Jean-Francois; Vanautgaerden, Alexandre | Les instruments de travail a la Rennaissance | da |
42 | Carte | MAI2.2 | Maillard J.-F.; Kecskemeti, J.; Portalier, M. (ed.) | L'Europe des humanistes (XIVe-XVIIe siecles) | da |
43 | Carte | GRE3.1.1 | Gregorii Ariminensis OESA | Lectura Super Primum et Secundum Sententiarum. Tomus I (Dist 1-6) | da |
44 | Carte | GRE3.1.2 | Gregorii Ariminensis OESA | Lectura Super Primum et Secundum Sententiarum. Tomus II Super Primum (Dist 7-17) | da |
45 | Carte | GRE3.1.3 | Gregorii Ariminensis OESA | Lectura Super Primum et Secundum Sententiarum. Tomus III Super Primum (Dist 19-48) | da |
46 | Carte | WOD1.1.1 | Adam de Wodeham; Rega Wood, Gedeon Gál, OFM (eds.) | Lectura Secunda In Librum Primum Sententiarum I (Prologus et Distinctio Prima) | da |
47 | Carte | WOD1.1.2 | Adam de Wodeham; Rega Wood, Gedeon Gál, OFM (eds.) | Lectura Secunda In Primum Librum Sententiarum II (Distinctiones II-VII) | da |
48 | Carte | WOD1.1.3 | Adam de Wodeham; Rega Wood, Gedeon Gál, OFM (eds.) | Lectura Secunda In Primum Librum Sententiarum III (Distinctiones VIII-XXVI) | da |
49 | Carte | LOM1.3.4 | Pierre Lombard | Les quatres livres des Sentences. Quatrieme Livre | da |
50 | Carte | SLO1.1 | Slotemaker, J., Witt, J. | Robert Holcot | da |