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272 | Articol | x-eva1.1 | Evans, G. | Inopes verborum sunt latini, Technical Language and Technical terms in the Writings of St.Anselm and some Commentators of the Mid-twelft Century | da |
273 | Carte | QUI1.1.1 | M. F. Quintilian | Institutionis oratoriae libri duodecim, vol. I (libri I-VI) | da |
274 | Carte | QUI1.1.2 | M. F. Quintilian | Institutionis oratoriae libri duodecim, vol. II (libri VII-XII) | da |
275 | Articol | X-jol1.2 | Jolivet, Jean | Intelecte et Inteligence: note sur la tradition Arabo-Latine des XII et XIII Siecles | da |
276 | Carte | HUN1.1 | Huneke, Maike | Iurisprudentia romano-saxonica. Die Glosse zum Sachsenspiegel-Lehnrecht und die Anfänge deutscher Rechtswissenschaft | da |
277 | Carte | SAC1.1 | Sachs, Maurice | Jacques et Raissa Maritain: Correspondance 1925-1939 | da |
278 | Carte | WES3.1 | West, Delno C.; Zimdars-Swartz, Sandra L. | Joachim of Fiore : a study in spiritual perception and history | da |
279 | Carte | WAN1.1 | Wannenmacher, Julia Eva (ed.) | Joachim of Fiore and the Influence of Inspiration: Essays in Memory of Marjorie E. Reeves (1905-2003) | da |
280 | Carte | FIL2.1 | Filip, Oana - Corina | John of Salisbury’s Politics of Reason | da |