
Nr. TipCotaAutorTitluDisponibil
2741CarteSTO2.1Storf, Remigius (tr.)Griechischen Liturgienda
2742CarteLAC2.1LactantiusVon den Todesarten der Verfolger et al.da
2743CarteIRI1.1.1IrenausFunf bucher gegen die haresien (I-III)da
2744CarteIUS2.1IustinusDialog mit dem Juden Tryphonda
2745CarteORI1.3.2.2OrigenesAcht bucher gegen Celsus, band II, teil II, buch V-VIIIda
2747CarteTER2.2TertulianApologetische/dogmatische und montanistiche scriftenda
2748CarteIRI1.1.2IrenausFunf bucher gegen die haresien (IV-V)da
2749CarteHIP1.1Hippolytus von RomWiderlegung aller haresienda
2750CarteSEV2.1Sulpicius Severus; Vinzenz von Lehrin; BenediktusSchriften über den Hl. Martinus; Commontorium; Mönchsregelda
2751CarteTEO2.1.2Theodoret von CyrusKichengeschichteda
2752CarteORI1.3.2.1OrigenesAcht bucher gegen Celsus, band II, teil I, buch I-IVda
2753CarteBAS1.1#1Iohannis de BasileaLectura super quattuor libros Sententiarum, tomus Ida
2754CarteFAL2.1Falkener de Vratislavia, MichaelExplanatio super Aristotelis Librum Posteriorum Analyticorumda
2755CarteSMI2.1.1Martinus SmigleciusCommentaria in Organum Aristotelis, vol. Ida
2756CarteSMI2.1.2Martinus SmigleciusCommentaria in Organum Aristotelis, vol. IIda
2757CarteHES2.1Benedict Hesse (de Cracovia)Lectura super Evangelium Matthaei (cap. 14-17)da
2758CarteMIL1.1Nicolae Milescu (traducător)Vechiul Testament, Septuagintada
2759CarteCRI3.1Crîşmăreanu, FlorinAnalogie şi hristologie. Studii dionisiene şi maximieneda
2760CarteSUA2.1Suarez-Nani, Tiziana; Ribordy, Olivier; Petagine, Antonio Lieu, espace, mouvement: Physique, Metaphysique, Cosmologie (XII-XVI siecles). Actes du colloque international Universite de Fribourg Suisse, 12-14 mars 2015da
2761CarteDYB1.1Dybel, KatarzynaEntre la connaissance et l'amour. Le regard dans univers romanesque de Chretien de Troyesda
2762CarteAXI1.2Madeea AxinciucProfetul şi oglinda fermecatăda
2763CarteRDP1/2017Revista Română de Dreptul Proprietăţii Intelectualeda
2764CarteRDPR1/2017Revue 'Histoire et de Philosophie Religieuses---da
2765CarteCIC1.26CiceroCele patru cuvântări împotriva lui L. Catilinanu
2766CarteGRA5.1Grant, Jeanne E. For the Common Good. The Bohemian Land Law and the Beginning of the Hussite Revolutionda
2767CarteWRI1.1Wriedt, Klaus Schule Und Universitat (Education and Society in the Middle Ages and Renaissance) (Education and Society in the Middle Ages and Renaissance)da
2768CarteFAG1.1Fagan, Garrett G.New perspectives on ancient warfareda
2769CarteKOT1.1Kotkas, ToomasRoyal Police Ordinances In Early Modern Sweden The Emergence Of Voluntaristic Understanding Of Lawda
2770CarteAND2.1Alfred J. AndreaContemporany sources for the Fourth Crusadeda
2771CarteKOO1.1Kooper, Erik; Levelt, SjoerdThe Medieval Chronicle IXda
2772CarteGRE4.1Greenhalgh, MichaelConstantinople to Cordoba. Dismantling ancient architecture in the East, North Africa and Islamic Spainda
2773CarteMOU1.3 Moutsopoulos, Evanghelos A.; Athanasiadis, Tasos; Dănişor, Diana Domnica ; Lazăr, Elena (filolog)Kairos. Miza si pariulda
2774CarteZIC1.1#1Zickermann, Kathrin Across the German Sea. Early Modern Scottish Connections with the Wider Elbe-Weser Regionda
2775CarteTUR2.1Turner, Wendy J.; Butler,Sara M.;Medicine and the Law in the Middle Agesda
2776CarteBAK1.1Patricia A. Baker, Han Nijdam, Karine van `t LandMedicine and Space. Body, Surroundings and Borders in Antiquity and the Middle Agesda
2777CarteMAC8.1MacDonald, IainClerics and Clansmen. The Diocese of Argyll Between the Twelfth and Sixteenth Centuriesda
2778CarteTAB1.1Tabaki, AnnaDespre Iluminismul Neoelenda
2779CarteKAL2.1Kalhous, DavidAnatomy of a duchy. The political and ecclesiastical structures of early Přemyslid Bohemiada
2780CarteTAY2.1Taylor, Larissa et. al.Encyclopedia of medieval pilgrimageda
2781CarteORA1.1Oram, Richard D. The reign of Alexander II, 1214-49da
2782CarteGRE4.2Greenhalgh, MichaelMarble past, monumental present. Building with antiquities in the mediaeval Mediterraneanda
2783CarteMOU1.4Moutsopoulos, EvanghelosMuzica în opera lui Platonda
2784CarteBRO3.1James H. BrownImagining the Textda
2785CartePAP2.1Papacostea, Cezar Evolutia Gandirii la Greci: Stefan Zeletin- viata si opera luida
2786CarteVAL3.1Lorenzo VallaDialogue sur le libre-arbitreda
2787CarteHYB1.1Nils Hybel; Bjorn PoulsenThe Danish Resources C. 1000-1550. Growth and Recessionda
2788CarteURV1.1Urvoy, Dominique Averroès. Les ambitions d'un intellectuel musulmanda
2789CarteARN3.1Jóhann Páll Árnason; Björn WittrockEurasian transformations, tenth to thirteenth centuries. Crystallizations, divergences, renaissancesda
2790CarteMAC5.1MacCoinnich, Aonghas Plantation and civility in the North Atlantic world: the case of the northern Hebrides, 1570 - 1639da