
Nr.TipCotaAutor TitluDisponibil
2201CarteHAM1.8Hamesse, Jacqueline; Steel, Carlos (eds.)L'elaboration du vocabulaire philosophique au Moyen Ageda
2202CarteHAM1.7Hamesse, Jaqueline (ed.)Auctoritates Aristotelis Senecae, Boethii, Platonis, Apulei et quorundam aliorum I Concordanceda
2203CarteDIO3.2Hammerstaedt, Jürgen; Morel, Pierre-Marie; Guremen, Refik (eds.)Diogenes of Oinoanda, epicureanism and philosophical debates/Diogène d'Œnoanda, épicurisme et controversesda
2204CarteHAN1.1Hand, Joni M.Women, Manuscripts and Identity in Northern Europe, 1350 - 1550da
2205CarteARN2.1Hans von Arnim (ed.)Fragmentele stoicilor vechida
2206CarteHAR1.1Hariga, FlorinaCauza răului în filosofia lui Bonaventura din Bagnoreggioda
2207CarteHAR3.1Harrauer, ChristineKosmos und Mythosda
2208CarteHAR4.1Harrison, ThomasThe ark of studiesnu
2209CarteHAR2.1Hart, H.L.A.The Concept Of Lawda
2210CarteHAS1.1Hasenohr, Genevieve; Longere, JeanCulture et travail intellectuel dans l'occident medievalda
2211CarteHAS4.1Haskins, Charles HomerStudies in medieval cultureda
2212CarteHAS2.1Hastings, RobertNature and reason in the Decameronda
2213CarteHAV2.1Havelock, Eric A.PREFACE TO PLATOda
2214CarteHAV2.2Havelock, Eric A.The greek concept of justice.From its shadow in Homer to its subtance in Platoda
2215Carte~E.35Hebbel, FriedrichDer Maler/Pictorulda
2216CarteHEI1.3Heidegger, MartinEssais et conferencesda
2217CarteHEI1.2Heidegger, MartinRepere pe drumul gandiriida
2218CarteHEI1.1Heidegger, MartinChemins qui ne menent nulle partda
2219CarteHEI1.4Heidegger, Martin Traite des categories et de la signifcation ches Duns Scotusda
2220CarteHEI2.1Heimsoeth, H.Les six grands themes de la metaphysique occidentale du Moyen Age aux temps modernesda
2221CarteHEI3.1Heinrich von LübeckQuodlibet I, I,1-3da
2222CarteWEI2.1Heinrich WeinstockSophoklesda
2223CarteHEL2.1HeliodorIn Paulum Alexandrinum Commentariumda
2224CarteHEL1.1Helmer, EtienneLe dernier des hommes. Figures du mendiant en Grece ancienneda
2225CarteHEN1.1Henne, PhilippeGregoire le Grandda