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Nr.TipCotaAutorTitlu Disponibil
6CarteLOV1.1Larsson Lovén, Lena ; Strömberg, Agneta (ed.)Ancient marriage in myth and realityda
7CarteDEL5.1Delcomminette, SylvainAristote et la nécessitéda
8CarteHOO1.1Hood, Pamela MAristotle on the category of relationda
9CarteKEN2.1Kennedy, Edward S.Astronomy and astrology in the Medieval Islamic worldda
10CarteBOE4.1Boegehold, Alan L.; Scafuro, C. Adele (eds.)Athenian identity and civic ideologyda
11CarteBAK2.1Bakker, Paul J. J. M. (ed.)Averroes' natural philosophy and its reception in the latin westnu
12CarteBIB2.2Weber-Gryson (ed.)Biblia sacra : iuxta Vulgatam versionemda
13CarteOME1.2O'Meara, Dominic J.Cosmology and politics in Plato's later worksda
14CarteARI1.67.3AristotelesDe animalibus, vol. 3: Books XV - XIX: Generation of animalsda
15CarteGAG2.1Gagarin, MichaelEarly Greek lawda
16CarteGUT1.1Gutas, DimitriGreek philosophers in the Arabic tradition da
17CarteNAR1.4Narbonne, Jean-Marc Hénologie, ontologie et Ereignis (Plotin, Proclus, Heidegger)da
18CarteNEV1.1Nevett, Lisa C.House and society in the ancient Greek worldda
19CarteBOD1.1Bodel, John; Olyan, M. Saul (eds.)Household and family religion in antiquityda
20CarteCOX1.1Cox, Cheryl AnneHousehold interests : property, marriage strategies, and family dynamics in ancient Athensda
21CarteEBB1.1Ebbott, MaryImagining illegitimacy in classical Greek literatureda
22CarteADA3.1Adamson, PeterIn the age of al-Fārābī: Arabic philosophy in the fourth/tenth centurynu
23CarteROG2.1Rogan, EstherLa stásis dans la politique d'Aristoteda
24CarteCOH1.1Cohen, DavidLaw, sexuality, and society: the enforcement of morals in classical Athensda
25CarteLEV2.1Levet, Jean-PierreLe vrai et le faux dans la pensée grecque archaïque : D'Hesiode à la fin du Ve siècleda
26CarteSCO2.1Scotus, MichaelLiber particularis, Liber physonomie da
27CarteVER2.2Vernant, Jean-PierreMortals and immortalsda
28CarteLIE1.1Beatus LiebanensisObras completas y complementarias I (Comentario al Apocalipsis, Himno "O Dei Verbum", Apologético ) da
29CarteMUL1.1Müller, Gernot Michael; Zini, Fosca Mariani (eds.)Philosophie in Rom - Römische Philosophie? : Kultur-, literatur- und philosophiegeschichtliche Perspektivenda
30CarteNIE3.1Nietzsche, Friedrich ; Merker, Anne (ed.)Platonda
31CarteCON2.1Connelly, Joan BretonPortrait of a priestess : women and ritual in ancient Greeceda
32CarteGIL3.1Gill, Christopher; Postlethwaite, Norman; Seaford, Richard (eds.)Reciprocity in ancient Greeceda
33CarteYOU1.1Young, Spencer E.Scholarly community at the early univerity of Paris : theologians, education and society, 1215-1248da
34CarteFRE5.1Freudenthal, GadScience in the medieval Hebrew and Arabic traditionsda
35CarteCAN4.1Luciano CanforaStoria della letteratura grecada
36CarteKUN2.1Kunitzsch, PaulThe Arabs and the stars: texts and traditions on the fixed stars, and their influence in medieval Europeda
37CarteLEW1.1Lewis, SianThe Athenian Woman : an Iconographic Handbookda
38CarteGAG2.2Gagarin, Michael; Cohen, David (eds.)The Cambridge companion to ancient Greek lawda
39CarteMOR5.2Morris, Ian; Scheidel, Walter (eds.)The dynamics of ancient empires: state power from Assyria to Byzantiumda
40CarteGRE6.1Green, J. R.Theatre in ancient Greek societyda
41CarteMOR5.1Morris, IanWhy the West rules - for now: the patterns of history and what they reveal about the futureda
42CarteLEF3.1Lefkowitz, Mary R. Women in Greek mythda
43CarteBRU6.1Brulé, PierreWomen of Ancient Greeceda