Interethnic marriages: between an exercise of tolerance and a modern expression of indifference. 1895-2010
Participation at National and International Conferences

Ioan Bolovan, Căsătoriile mixte în Transilvania de-a lungul timpului: între vulnerabilitate demografică şi oportunitate interculturală, la conferinţa internaţională Vulnerabilităţi ale populaţiei în spaţiul românesc în secolele XVII-XXI , organizat la Arad în perioada 27 - 29 septembrie 2012 de către Universitatea "Aurel Vlaicu", Consiliul Local al Municipiului Arad şi Asociaţia "Ştefan Cicio Pop"

Ioan Bolovan, Organiser of the Session Interfaith, Interethnic and International Marriage, at European Social Science History Conference (ESSHC), Glasgow, 10-14 April 2012
Discussant: Ioan Bolovan, Peter Teibenbacher

Marius Eppel, Eurasian Families, popular beliefs and religion in comparative perspective, in cadrul 37RD Annual Meeting of the Social Science History Association, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, November 1-4, 2012 (n colab. cu Antoinette Fauve Chamoux, Alice Kasakoff)

Ioan Bolovan, Daniela Mârza, Bogdan Crăciun, Mixed Marriages in a Multiethnic and Multiconfessional Environment. A Case Study on the City of Cluj (1900-1939) la Congresul Cities through History - Population, Guimaraes, Portugalia, 23-25 octombrie 2012

Luminita Dumanescu, State and Family in Communist Romania, paper presented at European Social Science History Conference (ESSHC), Glasgow, 10-14 April 2012, in the session The Role of The State in Shaping Family Decisions, organiser: Marie-Pierre Arrizabalaga, Discussant: Mary Louise Nagata

Luminiţa Dumănescu,  The Survival of the Mixed Family in the Communist Romania, International Conference for Academic Disciplines, Florenţa, Italia, 18-22 iunie 2012

Luminita Dumanescu, Mihaela Haragus, Viorel Sirca, A new face for an old town. The marriages with foreigners in Cluj between 1990 and 2010 la Congresul Cities through History - Population, Guimaraes, Portugalia, 23-25 octombrie 2012.

Daniela Mârza, The Child between the State, the Church and the Family, paper presented at European Social Science History Conference (ESSHC), Glasgow, 10-14 April 2012, in the session Child Saving, Institutions and Moral Judgement, Organiser and Disscusant: Mona Gleason

Marius Eppel,
In the privacy of the Transylvanian family: Christian rites and popular magical practices (1850-2000), la 37RD Annual Meeting of the Social Science History Association, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, November 1-4, 2012

Ioan Bolovan, Marius Eppel, „Between public and private. The Church and the Romanians of Transylvania during WWI”, at the conference The population of Europe: historical roots and long term perspectives, European Society of Historical Demography, Alghero, Italy, 25-27 September 2014; (

Ioan Bolovan, Marius Eppel, „The Orthodox and the Greek-Catholic Churches in Transylvania and the Romanians during World War I”, at the conference The First World War and Historiographical Perspective, Cluj-Napoca, Romania, 3-5 June, 2014

Ioan Bolovan, Daniela Marza, Bogdan Craciun, Mihaela Haragus, „Divorces and Mixed Marriages in a Multiethnic and Multiconfessional Environment. A Case Study on the Transylvania in the 20th century”, at the Tenth European Social Science History, Austria, Vienna, 23-26 April 2014

Marius Eppel, „The crisis of confessionally mixed families in Transylvania as linked to the provisions of the ecclesiastic legislation (19th-20th centuries)”, session „Family crises related to changes in legislation” (organizer Antoinette Fauve-Chamoux), to 38th Annual Meeting of the Social Science History Association, Organizing Powers, Chicago, IL, November 21-24, 2013

Marius Eppel, „Les mariages interethniques: entre l'exercice de la tolérance et de l'expression moderne de l'indifférence 1895-2010”, in the seminar „Pouvoirs et dépendances au sein de la famille : perspectives comparatives (16e-20e siècles)”, École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales/EHESS, Centre de Recherches Historiques/CRH, 28th February 2013, Paris, France.

2011 by Luminita Dumanescu
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