2276MAC7.1Makarius des AegyptersFunfzig Geistliche Homilienda
2277LEO2.1.2Leo des GrossenSamtliche Sermonen (39-96)da
2278TEO2.1.1Theodoret von CyrusMonchsgeschichteda
2279LEO2.1.1Leo des GrossenSamtliche Sermonen (1-38)da
2280STO2.1Storf, Remigius (tr.)Griechischen Liturgienda
2281LAC2.1LactantiusVon den Todesarten der Verfolger et al.da
2282IRI1.1.1IrenausFunf bucher gegen die haresien (I-III)da
2283IUS2.1IustinusDialog mit dem Juden Tryphonda
2284ORI1.3.2.2OrigenesAcht bucher gegen Celsus, band II, teil II, buch V-VIIIda
2286TER2.2TertulianApologetische/dogmatische und montanistiche scriftenda
2287IRI1.1.2IrenausFunf bucher gegen die haresien (IV-V)da
2288HIP1.1Hippolytus von RomWiderlegung aller haresienda
2289SEV2.1Sulpicius Severus; Vinzenz von Lehrin; BenediktusSchriften über den Hl. Martinus; Commontorium; Mönchsregelda
2290TEO2.1.2Theodoret von CyrusKichengeschichteda
2291ORI1.3.2.1OrigenesAcht bucher gegen Celsus, band II, teil I, buch I-IVda
2292BAS1.1#1Iohannis de BasileaLectura super quattuor libros Sententiarum, tomus Ida
2293FAL2.1Falkener de Vratislavia, MichaelExplanatio super Aristotelis Librum Posteriorum Analyticorumda
2294SMI2.1.1Martinus SmigleciusCommentaria in Organum Aristotelis, vol. Ida
2295SMI2.1.2Martinus SmigleciusCommentaria in Organum Aristotelis, vol. IIda
2296HES2.1Benedict Hesse (de Cracovia)Lectura super Evangelium Matthaei (cap. 14-17)da
2297MIL1.1Nicolae Milescu (traducător)Vechiul Testament, Septuagintada
2298CRI3.1Crîşmăreanu, FlorinAnalogie şi hristologie. Studii dionisiene şi maximieneda
2299SUA2.1Suarez-Nani, Tiziana; Ribordy, Olivier; Petagine, Antonio Lieu, espace, mouvement: Physique, Metaphysique, Cosmologie (XII-XVI siecles). Actes du colloque international Universite de Fribourg Suisse, 12-14 mars 2015da
2300DYB1.1Dybel, KatarzynaEntre la connaissance et l'amour. Le regard dans univers romanesque de Chretien de Troyesda
2301AXI1.2Madeea AxinciucProfetul şi oglinda fermecatăda
2302RDP1/2017          Revista Română de Dreptul Proprietăţii Intelectualeda
2303RDPR1/2017Revue 'Histoire et de Philosophie Religieuses          da
2304CIC1.26CiceroCele patru cuvântări împotriva lui L. Catilinanu
2305GRA5.1Grant, Jeanne E. For the Common Good. The Bohemian Land Law and the Beginning of the Hussite Revolutionda
2306WRI1.1Wriedt, Klaus Schule Und Universitat (Education and Society in the Middle Ages and Renaissance) (Education and Society in the Middle Ages and Renaissance)da
2307FAG1.1Fagan, Garrett G.New perspectives on ancient warfareda
2308KOT1.1Kotkas, ToomasRoyal Police Ordinances In Early Modern Sweden The Emergence Of Voluntaristic Understanding Of Lawda
2309AND2.1Alfred J. AndreaContemporany sources for the Fourth Crusadeda
2310KOO1.1Kooper, Erik; Levelt, SjoerdThe Medieval Chronicle IXda
2311GRE4.1Greenhalgh, MichaelConstantinople to Cordoba. Dismantling ancient architecture in the East, North Africa and Islamic Spainda
2312MOU1.3 Moutsopoulos, Evanghelos A.; Athanasiadis, Tasos; Dănişor, Diana Domnica ; Lazăr, Elena (filolog)Kairos. Miza si pariulda
2313ZIC1.1#1Zickermann, Kathrin Across the German Sea. Early Modern Scottish Connections with the Wider Elbe-Weser Regionda
2314TUR2.1Turner, Wendy J.; Butler,Sara M.;Medicine and the Law in the Middle Agesda
2315BAK1.1Patricia A. Baker, Han Nijdam, Karine van `t LandMedicine and Space. Body, Surroundings and Borders in Antiquity and the Middle Agesda
2316MAC8.1MacDonald, IainClerics and Clansmen. The Diocese of Argyll Between the Twelfth and Sixteenth Centuriesda
2317TAB1.1Tabaki, AnnaDespre Iluminismul Neoelenda
2318KAL2.1Kalhous, DavidAnatomy of a duchy. The political and ecclesiastical structures of early Přemyslid Bohemiada
2319TAY2.1Taylor, Larissa et. al.Encyclopedia of medieval pilgrimageda
2320ORA1.1Oram, Richard D. The reign of Alexander II, 1214-49da
2321GRE4.2Greenhalgh, MichaelMarble past, monumental present. Building with antiquities in the mediaeval Mediterraneanda
2322MOU1.4Moutsopoulos, EvanghelosMuzica în opera lui Platonda
2323BRO3.1James H. BrownImagining the Textda
2324PAP2.1Papacostea, Cezar Evolutia Gandirii la Greci: Stefan Zeletin- viata si opera luida
2325VAL3.1Lorenzo VallaDialogue sur le libre-arbitreda
2326HYB1.1Nils Hybel; Bjorn PoulsenThe Danish Resources C. 1000-1550. Growth and Recessionda
2327URV1.1Urvoy, Dominique Averroès. Les ambitions d'un intellectuel musulmanda
2328ARN3.1Jóhann Páll Árnason; Björn WittrockEurasian transformations, tenth to thirteenth centuries. Crystallizations, divergences, renaissancesda
2329MAC5.1MacCoinnich, Aonghas Plantation and civility in the North Atlantic world: the case of the northern Hebrides, 1570 - 1639da
2330CUP1.1Cupane, Carolina ; Kronung, Bettina Fictional Storytelling in the Medieval Eastern Mediterranean and Beyondda
2331HAL3.1Bartholomaei Evstachii SanctoseverinatisLibellvs de Dentibvsda
2332ELI2.1Eliade, Mircea Yoga. Eseu asupra originilor misticii indiene (1936)da
2333TAR1.1 Tartler, GreteUmor şi satiră în literatura arabă clasică. al-Ğāḥiẓ, al-Hamaḏānī, al-Ḥarīrī. Antologieda
2334PEP1.2Pepin, Jean Saint Augustin et la Dialectiqueda
2335OUY1.1.1Gilbert OuyLes Manuscrits de L'Abbaye de Saint-Victor, vol. Ida
2336OUY1.1.2Gilbert OuyLes Manuscrits de L'Abbaye de Saint-Victor, vol. IIda
2337SMA1.1Šmahel, František Charles University in the Middle Ages. Selected studiesda
2338SMA1.2Šmahel, František (ed.); Pavlicek, Ota (colab.)A Companion to Jan Husda
2339LAG1.1.1Lagerlund, Henrik (ed.)Encyclopedia of Medieval Philosophy. Philosophy Between 500 and 1500. Vol. 1 A-Lda
2340LAG1.1.2Lagerlund, Henrik (ed.)Encyclopedia of Medieval Philosophy. Philosophy Between 500 and 1500. Vol. 2 M-Zda
2341BRA4.1Thomas BradwardineTractatus de continuo / Tratado sobre o continuonu
2342FID1.3 Fidora, Alexander; Polloni, Nicola (ed.)Appropriation, Interpretation and Criticism: Philosophical and Theological exchanges between the Arabic, Hebrew and Latin Intellectual Traditionsda
2343HAM1.10J. Hamesse et J. Meirinhos (eds.)Les Auctoritates Aristotelis,Leur utilisation et leur influence chey les auteurs medievaux. Etat de la question 40 ans apres la publicationda
2344WIN2.1Windelband, Wilhelm Geschichte der Antiken Philosophieda
2345BER10.1Bertolacci, A.; Paravicini Bagliani, A. (eds.)La filosofia medievale tra antichità ed età moderna. Saggi in memoria di Francesco del Puntada
2346ADK1.1Neil AdkinJerome on virginity. A commentary on the Libellus de virginitate servanda (Letter 22)da
2347RAW1.1Beryl RawsonA companion to families in the Greek and Roman worldsnu
2348HAR2.1Hart, H.L.A.The Concept Of Lawda
2349STR4.1Struck, Peter T. Divination and Human Nature. A Cognitive History of Intuition in Classical Antiquityda
2350WIL4.1#2Wilson, Malcolm Structure and Method in Aristotle's Meteorologica. A More Disorderly Naturenu
2351AFR1.4Alexander Of Aphrodisias; Eric Lewis (tr.)Alexander Of Aphrodisias On Aristotle Meteorology 4nu
2352HEF1.1#2W. Heffernan, J. Kleinig (eds.)Private and Public Corruptionda
2353HOL1.1Holmes, LeslieCorruption. A Very Short Introductionda
2354GRE3.1.7Gregorius AriminensisLectura Super Primum et Secundum Sententiarum. Tomus VII Indicesda
2355GRE3.1.6Gregorius AriminensisLectura Super Primum et Secundum Sententiarum. Tomus VI Super Secundum (Dist 24-44)da
2356GRE3.1.5Gregorius AriminensisLectura Super Primum et Secundum Sententiarum. Tomus V Super Secundum (Dist 6-18)da
2357GRE3.1.4Gregorius AriminensisLectura Super Primum et Secundum Sententiarum. Tomus IV Super Secundum (Dist 1-5)da
2358MES2.1Mesaroş, Claudiu (ed.)Viaţa şi opera Sfântului Gerard din Cenadda
2359MAY1.1Franciscus de MayronisKommentar zum Ersten Buch der Sentenzenda
2360ALK1.2AlkindiDespre filosofia primăda
2361HOM1.4.1HomerOdyssey, 1-12da
2362HOM1.4.2HomerOdyssey, 13-14da
2363HES1.2.1HesiodTheogony, Works and Days, Testimoniada
2364HES1.2.2HesiodThe Shield. Catalogue of Women. Other Fragmentsda
2365OAK1.1John H. Oakley andd Rebecca H. SinosThe Wedding in Ancient Athensnu
2366LID1.1H. G. Lidell and R. ScottGreek-English Lexicon, with a Revised Supplementda
2367HOM1.9.1A. Heubeck, S. West, J.B. HainsworthA Commentary on Homer's Odyssey, vol. Ida
2368HOM1.9.2A. Heubeck, A.HoekstraA Commentary on Homer's Odyssey, vol. IIda
2369HOM1.9.3A. Heubeck, M. Fernandez-Galiano, J. RussoA Commentary on Homer's Odyssey, vol. IIInu
2370CIC1.27CiceroOn Life and Death (trad. J. Davie)nu
2371PAR3.1Parry, J.; Bloch, M.Money and the Morality of Exchangeda
2372GRO6.1Groebner, ValentinLiquid Assets, Dangerous Giftda
2373SCH11.1Schuller, Wolfgang (hrsg.)Korruption im Altertumda
2374GRU1.1Grune, N.; Slanicka, S. (hrsg.)Korruption. Historische Annaherungenda
2375HOM1.8.1G. S. KirkThe Iliad: A Commentary, vol. I (Books 1-4)da