Nr.Cota AutorTitluDisponibil
476x-sco1.1Scoon, Robert Plato's Parmenidesda
477x-sea1.1 Seaton, R.C.The Arsitotelian Enthymemeda
478x-sen1.1Senger, Hans Gerhard Nikolaus von Kues und die Pariser Verurteilungen von 1270/1277da
479X-sen2.1Senko, W. Un traite inconnu <<de esse et essentia>>da
480x-ser1.1 Serafini, Marcella Duns Scoto interprete critico dei Anselmoda
481x-ser2.1Sérouya, Henri Maimonide sa vie, son ouvre avec un expose de sa philosophieda
482x-sha1.1Shapiro , H.Walter Burley's De Toto et Parteda
483x-sha2.1Sharvy, Richard Plato's Causal Logic and the Third Man Argumentda
484X-she1.1Sheppard, AnnePhantasia and Mental Images: Neoplatonist Interpretations of De anima, 3.3da
485x-she2.1Sherry, David M.Zeno's Metrical Paradox Revisitedda
486X-sho1.1Shogimen, Takashi The Relationship between Theology and Canon Law: Another Context of Political Tought in the Early Fourteenth Centuryda
487x-sig1.1Siger de BrebantQuaestio utrum haec sit vera: Homo est animal, nullo homme existenteda
488x-sig1.2Siger de BrebantQuestiones in Methaphysicamda
489x-sim1.1Simonson, Solomon A Definitive Note on the Enthymemeda
490x-sol1.1#1Solere, Jean-Luc Neoplatonisme et rhetorique: Gilles de Rome et la premiere proposition du ,,De causis"da
491x-sol1.1#2Solere, Jean-LucNeoplatonisme et rhetorique: Gilles de Rome et la premiere proposition du ,,De causis"da
492x-sol1.2 Solere, Jean-luc La logique d'un texte medievalda
493x-sol2.1Solon, T.P.M. The Logic of Aquinas' Tertia Viada
494X-sor1.1Sorabji, Richard Infinite power impressed: the transformation of Aristotle's physics and theologyda
495x-spa1.1Spalding, K.T. On the Sphere and Limit of the Aristotelian Logicda
496x-sta1.1Stannard, Jerry Parmenidian Logicda
497x-sta2.1Stanton, G.R. Sophists and Philosophers: Problems of Classificationda
498x-ste1.1Steel CarlosSiger of Brabant versus Thomas Aquinas on the Possibility of Knowing the Separate Substancesda
499x-ste1.2Steel CarlosMedieval Philosophy: an Impossible Project? Thomas Aquinas and the "Averroistic" Ideal of Happinessda
500x-ste1.3Steel, Carlos ; Guy GuldentopsAn unknown tratise of Averoes against the Avicennians on the first causeda